[Purposes]This paper aims at inspecting the academ ic quality of sci-tech journals from proportion and distribution of low cited papers.Due attention to the situation of low cited papers should be paid,so as to comprehensively recognize the problems of journals.[Methods]Zero cited rate, once cited rate, once cited ratem inus zero cited rate and secondary cited ratem inus once cited rate, these four indexes were selected to quantitatively inspect the journals of optoelectronics, electronic communication, and comprehensive engineering and technology universities about the conditions of low cited papers.The processed reverse indicators were compared w ith themainstream positive indicators, and it can be found that the rankingswere not consistent.[Findings]The proportions of low cited papers of our sci-tech journals are very high, and the greater the receivedrange is, the more serious the phenomenon becomes.Reversely investigating the situation of low cited papers can complement the journal evaluation information of positive indicators.[Conclusions] Editors of scientific journals can pay attention to the proportion, trends of indicators over the years,and distribution of citations of low cited papers.
Key words:
Academ ic quality,
Times cited,
Zero cited,
Reverse indicators,
Distribution of citations
周洁,王昕. 科技期刊论文低被引情况与探讨[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2015, 26(8): 851-855.
ZHOU Jie,WANG Xin. Discussion on low cited papers of scientific journals[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2015, 26(8): 851-855.