[Purposes]This paper analyzes the influence of scientific journals edited and published for the future detection, and figures out how to improve the work.[Methods] This paper studied related papers and 15 kinds of journalism and publishing journals from CSSCI in 2014, counted and analyzed the delivery modes and jet lag of published papers, and the relationship between them and the future detection of characters copy ratio.[Findings]The results show there are some effects for the date ofmanuscript thrown out as well as receivedand delivery modes to the future detection of characters copy ratio.Itmay cause a higher characters copy ratio and w rong judgment.[Conclusions] Therefore, it is helpful to mark the received date creatively, show the citing trace clearly and provide the original citations appropriately.Itw illmake contribution to determ ining the last date of characters copy and checking the citations exactly when detecting,and then removing the obstacle for judging reasonable quotations or academ ic m isconducts,and increasing the quality and level of editing and publishing.
Key words:
Scientific journal,
Academ ic papers,
Future detection of characters copy ratio,
Editing and publishing,
丁明刚. 适于文字复制比后检测的科技期刊编辑出版规范探讨——以2014年CSSCI“新闻学与出版学”期刊为例[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2015, 26(8): 856-861.
DING M inggang. Analysis on the editorial and publishing standards based on the future detection of characters copy ratio for scientific journals:taking journalism and publishing journals from CSSCI in 2014 as an exam ple[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2015, 26(8): 856-861.