【目的】 在临床科研设计基本原则和方法的基础上,提出医学期刊编辑初审的具体审稿方法,设计编辑初审单。【方法】 通过解读临床科研设计基本原则在医学科研中的重要意义,确立编辑初审思路。在初审中引入关键词检索的辅助方法,对医学论文的学术质量(包括真实性、创新性、科学性)进行评审。【结果】 医学论文的编辑初审过程就是分析临床科研设计基本原则和方法在医学科研中应用质量的过程。在此基础上设计出定性和定量评价相结合的编辑初审单,并对初审单各项目的审稿方法进行详细说明。【结论】 所提出的初审方法、设计的初审单具有较强的实用性,有助于提升医学期刊编辑的初审能力。
[Purposes] This study aims to introduce the detailed review methods and initial evaluation form for medical journal editors based on basic principles and methods of clinical research design. [Methods] By interpreting the basic principles and methods of clinical research design in medical science, we set up the approach to editor's initial evaluation. The method of keyword retrieval was applied in the evaluation process. By using the important assistant method, we could evaluate the academic quality (including authenticity, innovativeness, and scientificity) of medical papers and design the editor's initial evaluation form. [Finding] The process of initial evaluation for medical papers is the process of analyzing the quality and application of basic principles and methods of clinical research design. On this basis, we design the editor's initial evaluation form combining qualitative and quantitative evaluation and illustrate the detailed methods at each evaluation step. [Conclusions] The proposed initial examination methods and form are highly practical. It can contribute to improving the evaluation ability of the medical journal editors.
Key words:
Initial evaluation of editor,
Initial evaluation form,
Clinical research design,
Medical paper,
Academic quality
吴爱华,王晴,吴婷,王姝. 基于临床科研设计的医学期刊编辑初审方法和初审单设计[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2018, 29(9): 894-900.
WU Aihua,WANG Qing,WU Ting,WANG Shu. Review methods and initial evaluation form for medical journal editors based on clinical research design[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2018, 29(9): 894-900.