【目的】 从投稿者视角探讨中文期刊的学术质量影响因素,为期刊高质量发展提供建议。【方法】 通过访谈29位有丰富经验的投稿者,并以45种期刊的在线评论数据为补充,运用扎根理论的质性研究方法对资料依次进行开放式编码、主轴编码、选择性编码,开展理论饱和度检验,归纳投稿者视角的期刊学术质量影响因素,构建影响因素模型,并提出有针对性的中文期刊质量提升策略。【结果】 从投稿者视角看,期刊学术质量主要受4个方面因素影响,它们共同构成了影响因素模型。其中优质稿件的吸引力是基础性因素,发文流程的规范性是核心因素,同行评审的专业性是保障因素,而发文主题的特色化是关键因素。【结论】 为实现中文期刊整体学术质量的提升,建议尽快改革现行期刊评价和学术评价体系,创新审稿流程和出版模式,完善审稿专家选聘和评价机制,大力发展优势栏目,挖掘特色选题。
[Purposes] This paper discusses the factors influencing the academic quality of Chinese journals from the perspective of contributors and further provides suggestions for the high-quality development of them. [Methods] We interviewed 29 experienced contributors and collected the online comments on 45 journals. Then we performed open coding, axis coding, and selective coding of the above data on the basis of the Grounded Theory, and carried out the theoretical saturation test. Thereby, we summarized the factors influencing the academic quality of Chinese journals from the contributors' perspective, constructed an influencing factor model, and further proposed targeted strategies for improving the quality of Chinese journals. [Findings] From the perspective of contributors, the academic quality of journals is affected by four factors which constitute the influencing factor model. The attraction to high-quality papers, standard publishing process, professional peer review, and characteristic subject are respectively the basis of, core of, guarantee for, and key to the academic quality of Chinese journals. [Conclusions] The following suggestions are recommended for improving the overall academic quality of Chinese journals: reforming the current journal evaluation and academic evaluation system, optimizing the review process and publication mode, improving the mechanism for selecting and evaluating review experts, and developing preponderant columns and characteristics subjects.
Key words:
Chinese journal,
Academic quality,
Influencing factor,
Grounded Theory
胡绍君, 马立敏. 投稿者视角的中文期刊学术质量影响因素研究[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2021, 32(5): 631-639.
HU Shaojun, MA Limin. Academic quality influencing factors of Chinese journals from the perspective of contributors[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2021, 32(5): 631-639.