中国科技期刊研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (9): 1087-1100. doi: 10.11946/cjstp.202005120483

• 评价与分析 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国人民大学图书馆,北京市海淀区中关村大街59号 100872
  • 收稿日期:2020-05-12 修回日期:2020-07-13 出版日期:2020-09-15 发布日期:2020-09-15
  • 作者简介:王 新(ORCID:0000-0001-7876-1350),硕士,副研究馆员,E-mail:
  • 基金资助:
    中国人民大学科学研究基金(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金)资助项目“基于被引的基础学科OA 论文影响力评价研究”(20XNE016)

Assessment on OA quality of academic journals in foundational subjects based on citations: A case study of physics subject

WANG Xin()   

  1. Library of Renmin University of China, 59 Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing 100872, China
  • Received:2020-05-12 Revised:2020-07-13 Online:2020-09-15 Published:2020-09-15


【目的】 定量分析物理学科学术期刊OA的现状,探索基于被引的OA期刊(Open Access Journal,OAJ)和OA论文的学术质量评价方法。【方法】 基于WoS对2016—2017年JCR分类中物理学科348种期刊以及8个分支的OAJ和OA论文的数据进行统计,运用统计学原理和文献计量学方法,在开放率、被引率和期刊接受度这3个维度上,对OAJ和OA论文的11个指标进行比较和相关分析。【结果】 整个物理学科有39种OAJ,开放率为11.21%;OA论文的总开放率和总被引率分别为28.37%和35.95%,OAJ对OA论文总开放率和总被引率的贡献分别为30.0%和23.99%;高被引论文开放率为41.87%,对被引的贡献率为40.56%。OA论文的篇均被引频次为4.35次,略高于全部论文的篇均被引频次。8个分支期刊的接受度均值区间为[962,301],而OAJ的接受度均值区间为[1032,50]。【结论】 物理学科的总体OA水平在30%左右,OA论文的主流贡献来自复合期刊;其中凝聚态物理分支的开放程度最低,与学科规模不匹配。提高高被引论文的开放率是扩大学科OA规模、提高OA学术质量的快速和有效途径。高被引OA论文开放率和被引率是评价一个学科OA学术影响力的核心指标,也是OA的价值体现;期刊的刊文量可用于期刊的接受度分析。

关键词: 物理学期刊, OA, 学术质量, 期刊接受度


[Purposes] This study is to quantitatively analyze the current situation of open access (OA) of academic journals in physics and explore the method for evaluating the academic impact of OA journals and OA papers based on data of their citations. [Methods] Based on WoS, the data of 348 journals and 8 branches of OAJ and OA papers in the JCR classification from 2016 to 2017 were collected. The data were analyzed and compared via 11 indicators which are divided into 3 major aspects as open rate, citation rate, and journal acceptability, and the study was carried out using statistical principles and bibliometrics method.[Findings] There are 39 OA journals in the field of physics with an open rate of 11.21%. The open rate and citation rate of OA papers are 28.37% and 35.95%, respectively, for which the contributions from OA journals are 30.0% and 23.99%, respectively. The highly-cited papers have an open rate of 41.87%, while they contribute 40.56% to the total citation of highly-cited papers. The citation of OA papers on average is 4.35, slightly higher than the citation per paper of total papers. Regarding the journal acceptability, we find that the average range of journals in 8 branches is [962, 301], while the average range of OA journals is [1032, 50]. [Conclusions] The overall OA level in physics is about 30%, and the majority contribution of OA papers comes from hybrid OA journals; there is a great diversity of OA data indicators in each branch field, and condensed matter physics has the lowest degree of openness, which does not match the scale of the field. Increasing the open rate of highly-cited OA papers is an effective way to enlarge the scale as well as improve the OA academic quality. The open rate and citation rate of highly-cited OA papers are the essential indicators for evaluating the OA academic influence of a journal, and also reflect the value of OA. Furthermore, the number of papers in a journal can be used to analyze the journal acceptability.

Key words: Physics journal, Open access (OA), Academic quality, Journal acceptability