【目的】 探索大综述的组稿策略并分析其学术影响力,为科技期刊的创新发展提供经验和借鉴。【方法】 结合Science China Chemistry的办刊实践,梳理了大综述的组稿流程,包括选题的确定、特约编辑和作者的选择、编辑在撰稿和出版过程的重要角色,以及宣传推广措施,并分析大综述产生的影响。【结果】 大综述的学术引领性以及编辑部的多渠道宣传使其受到广泛关注并获得较高的下载量和被引频次。【结论】 组织和出版大综述是提升期刊学术质量和国际影响力的重要措施之一,值得同行们借鉴。
[Purposes] This paper aims to explore the strategies for organizing big reviews and analyze their impact, which is expected to serve as a reference for the innovative development of scientific journals. [Methods] Taking Science China Chemistry as an example, we introduced the specific process for organizing big reviews, including the determination of topics, selection of guest editors and authors, clarification of editors' duties in review drafting and publication, and publicity and promotion, and analyzed the impact of big reviews. [Findings] Attributed to the multi-channel promotion and the leading role of the big reviews themselves, they receive extensive attention, as evidenced by the high downloads and cited frequency. [Conclusions] Organizing and publishing big reviews is an effective strategy for raising academic quality and international impact, which is a valuable reference for scientific journals.
Key words:
Scientific journal,
Academic quality,
Topic selection,
International impact
张学梅, 许军舰, 郑建芬, 孙陆威. 大综述的组稿策略及其影响力分析[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2021, 32(2): 194-198.
ZHANG Xuemei, XU Junjian, ZHENG Jianfen, SUN Luwei. Strategies for organizing big reviews and analysis of their impact[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2021, 32(2): 194-198.