摘要: 目的 充足的稿件数量是期刊存在的基础,优秀的稿件质量是期刊发展的动力,深入了解稿源状况可以促进期刊更好发展。方法 对《植物生理学报》2011~2014年来稿的数量、录用率、学科分布进行统计,并对供稿单位进行细致分类。结果 《植物生理学报》自由来稿量充足,供稿量最大的是普通高校,其次是“211工程”高校和地方科研院所;约稿关注行业热点,能弥补自由来稿的不足,同时获得优秀稿源。结论 对稿件状况进行深入分析,既可以了解期刊状况,总结发展经验,也能够深挖期刊潜力,为进一步拓宽稿源、吸引优质稿件提供对策和建议。
[Purpose] For the scientific and technical periodical,adequate subm ission is its foundation,and high-levelmanuscripts w ill promote its quality.In order to advance the developmentof Plant Physiology Journal,the current situation ofmanuscript source was anaylzed in this study.[Methodology] Submission number,acceptive rate and subjectdistribution of articles from 2011 to 2014 in Plant Physiology Journal were censused and the contribution institutions were classified as well.[Findings] Plant Physiology Journal had a plentiful supply of submissions,which were contributed predominantly by general universities.In the next place were universities sponsored by Project211 and local scientific research institutes.Invitedmanuscripts focusing on research highlights could make up the lack of high-level contribution institutions,and the periodicals could acquire more excellent manuscripts.[Conclusions] Analysis on constitution and tendency of manuscript source helps to find out the current situation of periodicals,summarize experience and explore potential ability.Countermeasures and suggestions are put forward to w iden contribution sources and attract quality submissions.
Key words:
Plant Physiology Journal,
Manuscript source,
Constitutions of contribution institutions,
Invited papers,
Special issue
李殷. 《植物生理学报》稿源分析及对策[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2015, 26(6): 588-593.
Li Yin. Analysis and countermeasure for themanuscript source of Plant Physiology Journal[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2015, 26(6): 588-593.