【目的】 了解学术期刊专题/专栏建设的现状,以切实发挥学术期刊专题/专栏建设的作用,为期刊的品牌建设、学术创新、影响力提升和办刊质量提高提供策略。【方法】 采用问卷调查法,对全国范围内397名专题/专栏合作对象(包括期刊主编、编委、审稿人、作者)进行调查,了解他们对期刊专题/专栏建设的态度和意见,从合作对象视角探讨影响学术期刊专题/专栏建设成功率和有效性的因素。【结果】 合作对象态度上,表示支持专题/专栏建设工作的比例较高(71.28%),但供稿率不高(43.37%),存在态度和行为分离的现象。排名前5的供稿率影响因素是期刊被本专业领域研究者认可、期刊被数据库收录情况、期刊影响力、期刊品牌、期刊的处理速度。最优的约稿方式是行业内的学术带头人联系约稿,其次是熟识的专家委托和期刊主编亲自联系进行约稿。合作对象最希望获得的帮助是稿件快速审理发表和确定选题方向。【结论】 为提高学术期刊专题/专栏建设质量,应进一步挖掘重要合作对象的作用,有针对性地选择高供稿率的合作对象;努力挖掘和利用影响合作对象供稿的因素,在期刊品牌建设、扩大影响力方面下功夫;优化约稿方式方法,重视行业学术带头人的作用;同时通过稿件快速审理发表、帮助确定选题并提供发表后推广等服务,提高合作对象对专题/专栏建设工作的认可度和参与度。
[Purposes] This paper aims to clarify the status quo of special issues/columns of academic journals, analyze the influencing factors, and furthermore propose suggestions for the brand building, academic innovation, impact enhancement, and quality improvement of academic journals.[Methods] Through questionnaire survey, we investigated 397 stakeholders (including editors-in-chief, editorial board members, reviewers, and authors) of special issues/columns to clarify their attitudes to and suggestions on the development of special issues/columns. Thereby, we analyzed the factors influencing the development of special issues/columns from the aspect of stakeholders. [Findings] A large proportion (71.28%) of the stakeholders supported the development of special issues/columns, but the contribution rate was low (43.37%). The top 5 factors influencing the manuscript contribution were the recognition by researchers, inclusion of journals in databases, impact of journals, brand influence of journals, and manuscript processing speed of journals. The most effective method of contribution solicitation was the solicitation by academic leaders, followed by the solicitation by familiar experts and the journal editors-in-chief. The stakeholders expected that the manuscripts were rapidly processed and published and the topic was determined. [Conclusions] The following suggestions are put forward for the development of special issues/columns of academic journals: selecting suitable stakeholders to achieve high contribution rate, analyzing the factors influencing the manuscript contribution to strengthen brand building and impact improvement of journals, emphasizing academic leaders to improve contribution rate, and improve the recognition of special issues/columns by stakeholders and engaging them in the development of special issues/columns through rapid processing of papers, assistance in topic selection, and post-publication promotion of papers.
Key words:
Special issue/column,
Academic journal,
Soliciting contribution,
Journal development
陈汐敏, 姜鑫. 基于合作对象探讨我国学术期刊专题/专栏建设[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2022, 33(3): 345-353.
CHEN Ximin, JIANG Xin. Development of special issues/columns of academic journals in China: From the perspective of stakeholders[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2022, 33(3): 345-353.