【目的】 在高风险社会背景下,探讨基于区块链技术的同行评议韧性治理四维路径,为同行评议治理提升效能、实现高质量发展提供思路与方法。【方法】 剖析现行同行评议社会韧性、结构韧性、制度韧性、功能韧性等风险挑战,以区块链出版平台Pluto Network为例,探求全程化、网络化、整体性韧性治理效能升级路径。【结果】 在区块链技术的支持下,韧性治理适用于同行评议治理领域,可在评议前强化赏罚分明的评议信誉共识,评议中提供相辅相成的信息验证支持并实行明暗相参的辩证评议制度,评议后规正各得其所的后续资源配置。【结论】 Pluto Network平台的同行评议韧性治理为我国带来启示,包括引入评议信誉预警彰显社会韧性、注重评议数据支撑补齐结构韧性、探索多元评议机制升级制度韧性、延长评议价值链条拓展功能韧性。
Pluto Network
[Purposes] Risk has become a defining characteristic of modern society. This paper aims to discuss the management of peer review resilience from four aspects based on blockchain technology, which is expected to enhance the management and development of peer review. [Methods] The challenges in social resilience, structure resilience, system resilience, and function resilience of the current peer review were analyzed. Taking the blockchain platform Pluto Network as an example, the methods for whole-process, network-based, and holistic management of peer review resilience were summarized. [Findings] With the blockchain technology, the resilience of peer review can be strengthened as follows: introducing the reputation system with definite rule of reward and punishment before the review, supporting information verification and integrating both open review and double-blind review during the review, and regulating resource allocation after review. [Conclusions] We should learn from the experience of Pluto Network in peer review resilience management, such as the introduction of reputation system to highlight social resilience, providing of data support to enhance structure resilience, employment of multiple review systems to improve system resilience, and further utilization of the review outcome to boost function resilience.
Key words:
Blockchain technology,
Peer review,
Resilience management,
Pluto Network
治丹丹, 任亮. 社会·结构·制度·功能:同行评议韧性治理的四维路径——以区块链出版平台Pluto Network为例[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2022, 33(1): 40-48.
ZHI Dandan, REN Liang. Management of peer review resilience from social recognition, structure, system, and function:Taking Pluto Network as an example[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2022, 33(1): 40-48.