【目的】 提升英文科技期刊在国际同行评议中对于审稿专家审稿意见造假这一学术不端行为的防范意识和能力,进一步完善其对学术不端的防范举措。【方法】 针对英文科技期刊办刊实践中所发现的审稿专家批量捏造或制造审稿意见的现象,探析其外在存续条件与内在动机,阐述这类造假意见的主要表现形式,进而总结出发现和防范此类学术不端审稿专家的有效方式。【结果】 在国际同行评议中,审稿专家审稿意见造假的学术不端情况并非个例,所提出的方式可有效发现和防范此类审稿专家。【结论】 在国际同行评议中,英文科技期刊需要针对审稿专家审稿意见造假的情况,进一步完善学术不端防范措施。
[Purposes] The aim of this paper is to enhance the ability of English scienpngic journals to idenpngy and prevent the academic misconducts related to falsification of review comments in international peer review and further improve measures against the academic misconducts. [Methods] In view of the fabrication of a large number of review comments by some reviewers for English scienpngic journals, this paper analyzed the external causes and internal motivation, expounded the main forms of such review comments, and then put forward some effective measures to find and prevent such academic misconducts among reviewers. [Findings] In international peer review, falsification of review comments is common. The proposed measures can help effectively discover and prevent such phenomenon. [Conclusions] In international peer review, English scienpngic journals need to further improve measures against the academic misconducts regarding the falsification of review comments.
Key words:
English scienpngic journal,
Peer review,
Research integrity,
Academic misconduct,
Improper citation,
Academic falsification
万志超, 蔡静雯, 姜海, 郑颖, 杜乾栋. 国际同行评议中审稿意见造假现象及相关的学术不端防范[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2021, 32(5): 571-575.
WAN Zhichao, CAI Jingwen, JIANG Hai, ZHENG Ying, DU Qiandong. Falsification of review comments in international peer review and related academic misconduct prevention[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2021, 32(5): 571-575.