【目的】 探索“双一流”建设视域下高校学报转型的创新路径。【方法】 以浙江省“双一流”大学学报理工版为研究对象,通过学报网站和中国知网搜索引擎,统计2016—2019年学报的年发文量和年度篇均被引频次,以及“双一流”建设学科相关栏目的篇均被引频次;并应用SPSS 19.0软件分析发文比和篇均被引频次的变化规律和相关性。【结果】 学报年发文量多并不能保证期刊的篇均被引频次高,文章的类型、内容以及期刊的级别可影响论文的被引频次;“双一流”建设学科相关栏目对于提高期刊的篇均被引频次有一定的积极作用,但相较于与人们生活联系紧密的栏目,它们并不一定有优势;学报栏目发文比与栏目篇均被引频次呈弱的相关性。【结论】 高校学报不要被传统的期刊评价指标所束缚,要突出高校学报与高校学科建设的协同性,要从国际、国内、校内、学生4个层面开辟创新路径,建立“特色专业” “人才培养”和“交流合作”三位一体、相互促进、相互融合、可操作的转型网络新体系。
[Purposes] This paper aims to explore the innovation paths for the transformation of university journals from the perspective of "double first-class" initiative. [Methods] This paper selected the journals of science and engineering of universities included in the "double first-class" initiative in Zhejiang Province as the research objects. The annual number and cited frequency of all papers on these journals as well as the cited frequency of columns on disciplines included in the "double first-class" initiative in 2016-2019 were searched from their official websites and CNKI. The change rules of and correlation between the proportion of published papers in a column and their average cited frequencies were analyzed with SPSS 19.0. [Findings] Large number of papers cannot guarantee the cited frequency. The type and content of papers and journal grade influenced the cited frequency of papers. Columns on disciplines included in the "double first-class" initiative were inferior to those on daily life in improving the overall cited frequency of journal papers. The proportion of published papers in a column was in weak correlation with the average cited frequency of them. [Conclusions] Instead of being limited by conventional evaluation indicators, university journals should prioritize discipline development and establish an operational transformation system that integrates characteristic disciplines, talent training, and cooperation via innovation paths from the international, domestic, university, and student levels.
Key words:
Double first-class,
University journal,
Cited frequency,
Transformation path
赖莉飞. “双一流”建设视域下高校学报转型的创新路径探析——基于浙江省“双一流”大学学报理工版论文被引频次的调查[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2021, 32(3): 299-306.
LAI Lifei. Innovation paths for university journals' transformation from the perspective of "double first-class" initiative:Based on the cited frequency of papers published on journals of science and engineering of universities included in the "double first-class" initiative in Zhejiang Province[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2021, 32(3): 299-306.