【目的】 探讨COVID-19疫情下国内外生物医学期刊专题论文的发文趋势及分布特征,为今后应对突发公共卫生事件的科学传播提供借鉴。【方法】 检索2019年12月1日至2020年6月30日PubMed文献数据库及我国新型冠状病毒肺炎科研成果学术交流平台(以下简称“我国新冠学术交流平台”)的发文量及时间、作者信息、期刊信息、论文类型等,描述国内外COVID-19论文的发文趋势和来源期刊、作者分布。【结果】 PubMed文献数据库共收录COVID-19论文26391篇,期刊3133种。美国作者发文量领先,中国、意大利、英国作者发文量相近。我国新冠学术交流平台共收录专题论文993篇,期刊106种。中国作者总数及第一作者数均仅次于美国。来自北京、湖北、上海的作者发表的中文医学论文最多。国际期刊中,病毒学、传染病学、环境科学、公共卫生学科期刊发文量居前列;国内期刊中,流行病学、内科学、传染病学、急诊医学、传染病学、药学期刊发文量较多。论文类型以论著、病例报告、综述为主,在国际、国内期刊中占比分别为68.4%和56.3%,国内期刊指南与共识类论文占比较国际期刊多(17.7% vs 0.7%)【结论】 突发公共卫生事件中的科学传播因疫情驱动,由科研实力支撑。我国作者发文呈现阶段性特点,2020年4月以前,中国作者的科研成果较多刊发于我国生物医学领域期刊,此后的大样本量报道、深入分析和国际合作研究主要刊发于国外期刊。我国期刊的指南与共识类论文数量优势明显。
[Purposes] This paper aims to investigate the trends and distribution characteristics of COVID-19 papers on biomedical journals in China and abroad during the COVID-19 pandemic, which is expected to serve as a reference for future science communication during public health emergencies. [Methods] The number, publication time, author information, source journals, and types of COVID-19 papers published on PubMed and the COVID-19 Academic Research Communication Platform in China (hereinafter referred to as the "COVID-19 ARCP") during December 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020 were retrieved and the trend and distribution were described. [Findings] On PubMed, a total of 26391 COVID-19 papers on 3133 journals were retrieved. The number of papers by the US scholars topped, and those by the Chinese, Italian, and the UK scholars were similar. A total of 993 papers on 106 journals were found from COVID-19 ARCP. Globally, the number of authors and that of first authors from China were second only to the US. Among the authors in China, the top three come from Beijing, Hubei, and Shanghai. Journals of virology, infectious diseases, environmental science, and public health ranked the top abroad in the number of papers, while journals of epidemiology, internal medicine, infectious diseases, emergency medicine, and pharmacy in China enjoyed large number of papers. The COVID-19 papers in both China and abroad were dominated by original articles, case reports, and reviews, which in total of 56.3% and 68.4%, respectively, while the proportion of guidelines and consensus papers published on Chinese journals was much larger than that on international journals (17.7% vs 0.7%). [Conclusions] During public health emergencies, science communication is driven by the emergencies themselves and supported by scientific research strength. The papers published by Chinese scholars showed different characteristics at different stages. Chinese scholars preferred to publish scientific outcomes on Chinese biomedical journals before April 2020, and reports of sizable samples, in-depth analysis, and international cooperative research on international journals after April 2020. The number of guidelines and consensus papers published on Chinese journals is larger.
Key words:
Biomedical journal,
Special topic,
Public health emergency
倪婧, 李鹏, 刘红霞, 任胜利, 王世贤, 刘冰, 魏均民. 突发公共卫生事件中国内外生物医学期刊的发文特征分析——以COVID-19专题论文为例[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2021, 32(2): 262-268.
NI Jing, LI Peng, LIU Hongxia, REN Shengli, WANG Shixian, LIU Bing, WEI Junmin. Publication characteristics of Chinese and foreign biomedical journals during public health emergencies: Case study on COVID-19 papers[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2021, 32(2): 262-268.