【目的】 分析我国SCI收录的英文生物医学期刊稿约的完善情况,为期刊稿约优化提供参考数据和建议。【方法】 通过调查2018年《期刊引证报告》中出版归属地为中国的33种英文生物医学期刊稿约中5类共27个项目的覆盖情况,分析稿约内容完成度。【结果】 33种期刊稿约中“伦理道德”平均完成度最高(76.26%),其次是“格式规范”(70.71%),“作者署名与版权”(61.62%)和期刊“目的与宗旨”(54.55%),“投稿与投稿后”平均完成度最低(47.47%)。高校及其附属医院主办的期刊与其他类型单位主办的期刊稿约中5类项目平均得分比较均无统计学差异。【结论】 生物医学期刊,尤其是SCI收录的英文期刊应重视稿约,细化稿约内容、及时更新,促进符合伦理道德、完整规范、可重复的研究成果发表。
[Purposes] This paper aims to analyze the information provided in author guidelines in SCI-indexed English biomedical journals published in the mainland of China, and to provide reference data and suggestions to improve the completeness of author guidelines used in biomedical journals. [Methods] A total of 33 SCI-indexed English biomedical journals published in China were selected to quantitatively assess the completeness of author guidelines by addressing 5 categories of 27 items. [Findings] The average completion degree of ethical issue is highest (76.26%) among 5 categories, followed by formatting instructions (70.71%), authorship and copyright (61.62%), and aims and scope (54.55%), and the average completion degree of submission and post submission processes is lowest (47.47%). The guidelines of journals sponsored by universities and affiliated hospitals are not significantly more complete than that of journals sponsored by academic societies, scientific research institutions, and commercial publishers. [Conclusions] Biomedical journals, especially the SCI-indexed English journals, should adhere to guidelines and adequately address essential information in author guidelines, regularly update its contents in order to assist scholars to ensure that published articles are guideline adhered, complete, and repeatable.
Key words:
Biomedical journal,
Author guideline,
Ethical issue,
Formatting instruction,
International Committee of Medical Journal Editors
雷燕. 33种SCI收录的中国英文生物医学期刊稿约分析与优化[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2019, 30(12): 1336-1342.
LEI Yan. Analysis of author guidelines in 33 SCI-indexed English biomedical journals published in China and suggestions to improve the completeness[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2019, 30(12): 1336-1342.