【目的】比较研究我国环境科学领域英文SCI期刊和世界环境科学领域一流期刊的发展现状,介绍Journal of Environmental Sciences (JES)采取的国际影响力提升策略,为我国环境科学领域英文期刊发展提供可借鉴的做法和经验。【方法】 查阅各期刊网站,结合Web of Science、JCR和Elsevier提供的数据,分析我国环境科学领域英文SCI期刊和世界环境科学领域一流期刊的差距,阐述在两期“中国科技期刊国际影响力提升计划”资助期间,JES在国际化发展上采取的办刊策略及所取得的成效。【结果】 我国环境科学领域英文期刊在办刊规模、计量指标和国际影响力等方面总体上远低于世界环境科学领域一流期刊。JES采取国际化办刊策略主要包括组建国际化编委团队,采用国际采编生产系统和实施多渠道国际宣传。期刊JCR计量指标显著提升,文章在ScienceDirect上的下载量增加,作者国际化和读者国际化程度显著增强。【结论】 国际化办刊策略显著提升JES的学术质量和国际影响力,这可为我国环境科学领域英文期刊的国际化发展提供有益参考。
Journal of Environmental Sciences,
[Purposes] Basing on the comparison of the status quo between the Chinese SCI-indexed English journals and world first-class journals in environmental science, this paper introduces the strategies of Journal of Environmental Sciences (JES) on the improvement of international impact, which is expected to provide valuable experience for the development of English journals in environmental science in China. [Methods] With the data from the official websites of selected journals, Web of Science, JCR, and Elsevier, we analyzed the gap between Chinese SCI-indexed English journals and world first-class journals in environmental science. Furthermore, we expounded the strategies of JES on international impact enhancement and the corresponding outcomes during the support by phase Ⅰ and phase Ⅱ of Project for Enhancing International Impact of China STM Journals. [Findings] In the field of environmental science, Chinese SCI-indexed English journals were far inferior to world first-class journals in the scale of publication, metrics in JCR, and international impact. JES adopted the following major strategies for internal development: establishing an international editorial team, adopting the international editing system, and enhancing international publicity through multiple channels. As a result, JES witnessed significant improvement in metrics in JCR, increased downloads in ScienceDirect, and significant increase in the number of foreign authors and readers. [Conclusions] The internationalization strategies significantly improves the academic quality and international impact of JES, which can provide a reference for the international development of English journals in environmental science in China.
Key words:
Journal of Environmental Sciences,
Environmental science,
English journal,
World first-class journal,
International development
王紫萱, 刘素琴, 刘阔, 许建, 冯庆彩. 我国环境科学领域英文期刊迈向国际: 任重而道远——Journal of Environmental Sciences的国际化发展之路[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2021, 32(2): 254-261.
WANG Zixuan, LIU Suqin, LIU Kuo, XU Jian, FENG Qingcai. A long way to promote international development of environmental science English journals in China: A case study of Journal of Environmental Sciences[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2021, 32(2): 254-261.