【目的】 探究国际生物医学期刊论文的作者人际身份、语篇身份的跨时段发展特征,为国内作者以及期刊从业人员提供论文写、编建议。【方法】 自建949567词次的国际生物医学期刊论文语料库(分为1976—1989年和2000—2013年),采用语料库语言学关键词探索路径;对两个时段关键词表作语义、语法范畴分类和语境拓展意义分析。分析关键词表中能揭示作者人际身份和语篇身份的词项或类别,阐释语言数据信息。【结果】 第二时段作者人际身份更自信和权威;论文信息阐述方式更趋于口语化,语篇呈现方式更突显视觉模式,语篇构建结构更为细化,展现出更为商业化的作者语篇身份。【结论】 为提高出版语言的国际化和规范化水平,提升中国作者被国际主流学术界关注和接受的可能性,提升我国英文生物医学期刊的国际认可度,国内作者、期刊从业人员应重视和顺应国际生物医学论文作者自信和权威度呈现以及语篇信息阐述、信息呈现、语篇构建方式的特点。
[Purposes] This study explores the developmental characteristics of interpersonal & textual aspects of authorial identity in research articles published in international biomedical journals, and aims to provide insight for domestic authors' English writing and for editors' editing. [Methods] A corpus keyword approach to a self-built corpus containing 949567 words (comprising the periods of 1976—1989 and 2000—2013) was adopted. We retrieved keywords lists, subcategorized the keywords in terms of part of speech and semantics, and made contextual analysis. We identified those keywords potentially indicating interpersonal & textual aspects in authorial identity and made interpretation. [Findings] Biomedical research articles in the period of 2000—2013 present writers with stronger self-assurance and certainty, and stronger power relationship with readers. The period of 2000—2013 also presents a tendency of informal language style, being with more salient visual modes, and structuring texts with more systematic sub-headings to highlight key messages. [Conclusions] More emphasis should be put on presentation of authors' self-assurance and authority, ways of saying, ways of presenting, and ways of textual structuring in research articles, so as to improve internationalization of English paper publishing, help domestic authors be accepted by international academic circles, and help to improve the international recognition of English biomedical journals in China.
Key words:
Research article in international biomedical journal,
Interpersonal aspect of authorial identity,
Textual aspect of authorial identity,
Developmental characteristic,
Writing-editing strategy
吕桂. 国际生物医学期刊论文作者人际身份、语篇身份发展特征及写编建议[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2019, 30(12): 1296-1303.
LYU Gui. Developmental characteristics of interpersonal & textual aspects of authorial identity in research articles published in international biomedical journals and suggestions on writing and editing[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2019, 30(12): 1296-1303.