【目的】 了解地方特色栏目在《中文核心期刊目录总览》(以下简称《北大核心》)人文社科学报中的呈现,为人文社科学报的办刊方向提供借鉴。【方法】 统计北大核心期刊中人文社科学报的详细分布,通过CNKI调查这些学报设置地方特色栏目的具体情况及其文献的被引和下载情况;作为对比,还调查了部分非北大核心重点高校人文社科学报的相关情况。【结果】 北大核心人文社科学报设置的地方特色栏目少,栏目中的文章刊发量呈逐年萎缩趋势;师范类院校在冲击《北大核心》方面表现突出;地方特色栏目中文献的被引率通常极低。【结论】 要提高影响因子,冲击《北大核心》,不宜过多设置地方特色栏目,而应控制栏目发文量;冲击《北大核心》并非办刊人的唯一目的,学术期刊可以有不同的办刊追求。
[Purposes] This paper aims to gain an insight into the presentation of local characteristic columns in the core journals of humanities and social sciences in China, which is expected to serve as a reference for the development of journals of humanities and social sciences. [Methods] We statistically analyzed the distribution of journals of humanities and social sciences included in A Guide to the Core Journals of China (8th Edition) published by Peking University Press, and surveyed the local characteristic columns in these journals and the cited frequency and downloads of papers in these columns on CNKI. As a comparison, we also probed into local characteristic columns in journals of humanities and social sciences of some key universities which were not listed in A Guide to the Core Journals of China (8th Edition). [Findings] Core journals of humanities and social sciences in China see a few columns with local characteristics and shrinking number of papers in these columns. Journals of normal universities take up a considerable proportion in the core journals of humanities and social sciences in China. The cited frequency of papers in local characteristic columns is generally low. [Conclusions] We suggest a few columns with local characteristics and limited number of papers in these columns should be set in journals of humanities and social sciences, which will be conducive to improving the impact factors of journals and being evaluated as the core journals of China. However, academic journals can have a different pursuit besides being core journals of China.
Key words:
Local characteristic column,
Core journal in China,
Journal of humanity and social science,
Cited rate,
Download rate,
Purpose of publication
林锋. 地方特色栏目在北大核心人文社科学报中的呈现及思考[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2021, 32(2): 269-273.
LIN Feng. Presentation and reflection of local characteristic columns in core journals of humanities and social sciences in China[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2021, 32(2): 269-273.