【目的】 了解我国生物医学期刊关于动物伦理和福利的现状,加强我国生物医学期刊动物伦理审查,促进我国动物伦理学发展。【方法】 分析我国15种生物医学期刊近2~3年发表的涉及动物实验的所有论著中关于动物伦理和福利的处理情况。【结果】 共检索到涉及动物实验的论文531篇,其中实验通过动物伦理委员会批准的论文占比为21.66%,获得伦理审批号的论文仅占2.45%;声明研究遵循国际、国家或者机构动物保护和使用指南的论文所占比例仅为10.55%。【结论】 我国生物医学期刊的动物伦理审查现状有待改善,建议通过学习国际生物医学编辑组织关于动物伦理和福利的要求以及国内外实验动物伦理和福利的法律法规,提高我国研究人员以及编审人员的动物伦理意识,提升我国生物医学期刊动物伦理和福利的水平。
[Purposes] The paper aims to explore current situation of animal ethics and welfare in Chinese biomedical journals, strengthen ethical review, and promote the development of animal ethics in China. [Methods] All experimental animal papers published in recent 2 to 3 years in 15 Chinese biomedical journals were analyzed in the respect of animal ethical review. [Findings] A total of 531 animal experiment papers were collected. Of these papers, 21.66% are approved by animal ethics committees, and 2.45% have ethics approval number. However, only 10.55% of 531 papers mention that the experiment followed the international, national and/or institutional guidelines for humane animal treatment. [Conclusions] The animal ethics and welfare review of Chinese biomedical journals should be improved. It is suggested that the researchers and editors should study requirements of animal ethics and welfare of international association of biomedical editors and learn domestic and overseas legislations and regulations on animal ethics and welfare. It is urgent to improve the biomedical editors' consciousness on animal ethics and promote ethical standardization of experimental animal research.
Key words:
Biomedical journal,
Experimental animal,
Animal ethics and welfare,
Animal ethics committee
刘凤华,陈立敏,李启明. 我国生物医学期刊稿件中动物伦理和福利问题的调查与分析[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2017, 28(12): 1128-1133.
LIU Fenghua,CHEN Limin,LI Qiming. A survey of animal ethics and welfare in Chinese biomedical journals[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2017, 28(12): 1128-1133.