【目的】 系统梳理生物医学期刊开放代码政策,了解期刊政策在出版结果的代码公开可用性方面发挥的作用。【方法】 对152种生物医学期刊的作者说明和编辑政策进行人工审查,以分析期刊对开放代码的要求。【结果】 63.82%的期刊不同程度上要求作者开放代码,61.86%的期刊明确提到版权或许可67.01%的期刊并未提及开放代码的处理方式。【结论】 开放获取期刊的开放代码政策比传统订阅制期刊更普遍,公共在线存储库是大多数期刊推荐的公开代码存储平台,高影响因子期刊出台开放代码政策的概率比低影响因子期刊高。
[Purposes] This study systematically reviews the open code policy of biomedical journals to understand the role of journal policies in the code availability of the published results. [Methods] The author's guidelines and editorial policies of 152 biomedical journals were manually reviewed to analyze open code requirements of journals. [Findings] A total of 63.82% of journals require authors to open code to varying degrees, and 61.86% of journals explicitly mention copyright or license, but 67.01% of journals do not mention how they deal with open code. [Conclusions] Open access journals are more likely to introduce open code policies than traditional subscription journals, and public online repository is the recommended platform for most journals. Besides, high-impact journals are more likely to introduce open code policies than low-impact journals.
Key words:
Open code,
Journal policy,
Biomedical journal
冯昌扬,陈雨雪. 生物医学期刊开放代码政策调研[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2019, 30(2): 156-160.
FENG Changyang,CHEN Yuxue. An empirical analysis of open code policies of biomedical journals[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2019, 30(2): 156-160.