中国科技期刊研究 ›› 2024, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (6): 825-830. doi: 10.11946/cjstp.202402200131

• 能力建设 • 上一篇    下一篇


王珺婷1)()(), 赵丽颖1),*()(), 赵吉儿2), 吕晓明1), 温超乐1)   

  1. 1) 中国医科大学期刊中心实用医学杂志社(实用医学音像出版社),辽宁省沈阳市和平区北二马路92号 110001
    2) 北京大学医学人文学院,北京市海淀区学院路38号 100191
  • 收稿日期:2024-02-20 修回日期:2024-04-30 出版日期:2024-06-15 发布日期:2024-07-04
  • 通讯作者: *赵丽颖(ORCID:0009-0000-1239-042X),博士,副编审,编辑部主任,。
  • 作者简介:
    作者贡献声明: 王珺婷:收集资料,撰写论文; 赵丽颖:提出研究方向,审核论文; 赵吉儿:指导论文撰写,修订论文; 吕晓明:参与论文撰写,修订论文; 温超乐:整理参考文献、数据。

Exploration of characteristic strategies for theme publishing in medical journals: A case study of Chinese Journal of Practical Stomatology

WANG Junting1)()(), ZHAO Liying1),*()(), ZHAO Jier2), LÜ Xiaoming1), WEN Chaoyue1)   

  1. 1) Publishing House of Journals and Audiovisual of Practical Medicine, Journal Center of China Medical University, 92 Beier Road, Heping District, Shenyang 110001, China
    2) School of Health Humanities, Peking University, 38 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100191, China
  • Received:2024-02-20 Revised:2024-04-30 Online:2024-06-15 Published:2024-07-04


【目的】 分析医学期刊主题出版的意义,探索特色主题出版策略,为同类期刊提供借鉴。【方法】 以《中国实用口腔科杂志》的具体实践为例,客观剖析医学期刊主题出版存在的问题,结合医学期刊特点并通过案例和理论阐述,提出医学期刊提升主题出版效果的独特策略。【结果】 《中国实用口腔科杂志》作为口腔医学期刊,基于正确导向,明确以解决全民口腔健康问题为中心、以推进口腔卫生健康事业发展为目标的主题出版方向,并通过“突出体现社会责任感的选题、融合人文感性的语言、提高公众参与度的宣传”策略增加医学期刊主题出版温度,提升期刊影响力。【结论】 医学期刊主题出版在发挥独特的学术专业性和思想深刻性的同时须增加温度,提升社会效益,彰显新时代医学期刊主题出版价值,助力一流期刊建设。

关键词: 主题出版, 医学期刊, 社会责任感, 社会效益, 人文导向


[Purposes] This study analyzes the significance of theme publishing in medical journals, and explores the characteristic strategies for theme publishing, which provides references for similar journals. [Methods] Taking the practice of the Chinese Journal of Practical Stomatology as an example, we objectively analyzed the problems in the theme publishing of medical journals. Based on the characteristics of medical journals as well as their case studies and theoretical explanations, unique strategies were proposed to enhance the effectiveness of theme publishing in medical journals. [Findings] Through the correct guidance, the Chinese Journal of Practical Stomatology, as a dental medical journal, has established a theme publishing direction that focuses on solving oral health problems for the whole population and aiming at promoting the development of oral health. The strategy of "topic selection that highlights social responsibility, language that integrates humanistic sensibility, promotion to increase public participation" has increased the temperature of the theme publishing of medical journals and enhanced the influence of journals. [Conclusions] The theme publishing of medical journals needs to increase its temperature while exerting its unique academic professionalism and thought depth. Furthermore, it needs to enhance social benefits and highlight the theme publishing value of medical journals in the new era, which contributes to the construction of first-class journals.

Key words: Theme publishing, Medical journal, Sense of social responsibility, Social benefit, Humanistic orientation