【目的】 探讨英文科技期刊集群化建设路径,有效提升科技期刊的国际学术影响力,助力科技强国目标早日实现。【方法】 以英文科技期刊集群为研究对象,分析英文科技期刊集群如何完善基础条件、聚拢外部资源以及提升国际影响力。【结果】 依靠数字期刊平台、学术资源和全球传播三者的协同发展,是英文科技期刊集群化的有效建设路径。【结论】 我国的英文科技期刊集群化建设初成规模,高等教育出版社的实践可为其他出版机构的英文科技期刊集群化建设提供参考。
[Purposes] This study aims to explore the path of cluster construction of English scientific journals, effectively enhance the international academic influence of scientific journals, and contribute to the early realization of the goal of becoming a strong scientific and technological nation. [Methods] Taking the English scientific journal cluster as the research subject, we analyzed how the English scientific journals improved basic conditions, gathered external resources, and enhanced international influence. [Findings] It is found that the coordinated development of digital journal platforms, academic resources, and global communication represents an effective construction path for the clustering of English scientific journals. [Conclusions] The cluster construction of English scientific journals in China has shown initial success, and the practice of Higher Education Press can provide references for the cluster construction of English scientific journals by other publishing institutions.
Key words:
Journal clustering,
English scientific journal,
Digital journal platform,
Academic resource,
Global academic promotion
王孜, 张德发, 闻丹岩, 龙杰. 英文科技期刊集群化建设路径研究[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2024, 35(6): 819-824.
WANG Zi, ZHANG Defa, WEN Danyan, LONG Jie. Path of cluster construction for English scientific journals[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2024, 35(6): 819-824.