【目的】 探讨我国英文科技期刊非学术栏目的设置与稿件组织,并提出可能的发展思路和举措。【方法】 以《自然》《科学》、国内主要综合性英文科技期刊,以及入选“中国科技期刊卓越行动计划”的部分期刊为调研对象,对各期刊的非学术栏目设置、文章形式、文章来源、发文量等进行梳理与分析,并进行中外对比分析和讨论。【结果】 《自然》《科学》的非学术栏目设置非常丰富。相比之下,我国英文科技期刊的非学术栏目建设尚处于起步阶段,栏目设置相对简单,发文量、影响力都有所欠缺。【结论】 我国英文科技期刊的非学术栏目建设面临体系设计不完整、文章内容不丰富、编辑和作者人才短缺等困境,需要相当大的人力、物力投入和系统的规划管理,才能取得高质量、跨越式发展。
[Purposes] This paper aims to discuss the establishment and manuscript organization of non-academic columns in China's English-language scientific journals and propose potential developmental routes. [Methods] Based on Nature, Science, some major comprehensive English-language scientific journals in China, and part of China's English-language scientific journals supported by the Excellence Action Plan for China's STM Journals, the non-academic column settings, article types, article forms, author origins, and number of articles of each journal were summarized and analyzed. The non-academic columns in Chinese and western journals were compared. [Findings] The non-academic columns in Nature and Science have been well-established, while those of China's English-language scientific journals were in their beginning phases, with poor-designed column types and insufficient publications and influence.[Conclusions] The development of non-academic columns in China's English-language scientific journals faces many challenges, such as the incomplete column system needs to be well-designed, the article types need to be diversified, and more talented editors and authors are needed. To achieve high-quality and leapfrog development, much more inputs of human and material resources, as well as management efforts are required.
Key words:
Non-academic column,
Excellence Action Plan for China's STM Journals,
English-language scientific journal,
Column setting,
Comparative analysis,
Countermeasure and suggestion
赵维杰, 任胜利. 英文科技期刊中的非学术栏目:中外对比与发展思考[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2022, 33(9): 1260-1267.
ZHAO Weijie, REN Shengli. Non-academic columns in English-language scientific journals: A perspective from the comparison between Chinese and western journals[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2022, 33(9): 1260-1267.