【目的】 总结新刊快速提升学术影响力的举措,为新刊持续提升学术影响力提供参考。【方法】 通过开展问卷调查获取新刊发展面临的困难,通过组织座谈和线上调研,总结新刊发展中针对困难采取的解决对策。【结果】 新刊在初创期面临的困难基本一致,最为困难的三点为:难以组约到匹配期刊发展定位要求的优质稿件;难以调动编委主动参与办刊的积极性;论文发表后关注度低,下载量和被引频次不理想。即组约优质稿、提升专家参与办刊的热情和提高文章关注度是新刊普遍面临的共性难题。【结论】 新刊提升影响力的主要路径有:面向研究热点,多措并举组约优质稿件;考核与激励并重,激发编委队伍的办刊积极性;创新传播模式,依托多种媒体和出版平台提高内容传播力。科技期刊学术影响力提升应贯穿于整个期刊运营过程,通过不断实践,探索出一条适合自己的高水平办刊道路。
[Purposes] This study summarizes the strategies for enhancing the academic influence of new journals, which is expected to serve as a reference for the startups. [Methods] Through questionnaire survey, the challenges in the running of new journals were summarized and the countermeasures were solicited through interviews and online survey. [Findings] The challenges are basically the same among the startups. Particularly, they generally fail to solicit high-quality manuscripts in accordance with the development orientations of journals, motivate the editorial board to run journals, and improve the downloads and cited frequency of papers. [Conclusions] The countermeasures are as follows: soliciting papers based on research hotspots, implementing both assessment and incentives to motivate the editorial board, and enhancing content dissemination via media and publishing platforms. Efforts should be made in the whole publishing process to boost the academic influence of scientific journals. Through practice, they are sure to explore a method to improve the journal academic level.
Key words:
Academic influence,
Editorial board assessment system,
Special issue,
Precise push,
Publishing mode,
Dissemination mode
王元杰, 孔晔晗, 王应宽, 薛春璐. 新刊发展面临的主要困难与学术影响力提升路径[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2022, 33(7): 935-941.
WANG Yuanjie, KONG Yehan, WANG Yingkuan, XUE Chunlu. Strategies for improving the academic influence of scientific journals in the start-up stage[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2022, 33(7): 935-941.