【目的】 探讨专辑论文对科技期刊学术影响力的作用。【方法】 基于中国知网数据,比较《地理科学进展》2010—2019年全部专辑论文的篇均被引频次、篇均下载数与影响因子变化的对应关系。【结果】 2010—2019年《地理科学进展》主要评价指标上升明显,这与高质量专辑的刊出有一定关系。【结论】 专辑论文总体上对提升学术影响力起到正面作用,其中的特色专辑显著提升了影响力,但并非所有的专辑论文都起到促进作用,并且不同专辑、同一专辑的不同论文影响存在差异,甚至存在少数学术性偏弱的零被引论文。基于期刊定位和学科特点,结合国家战略/倡议需要,跟踪学科前沿及热点,刊发一系列重要的专辑,是期刊提升学术影响力的有效措施;但均应把好每一篇论文的学术质量关,不能盲目地追求专辑数量。
[Purposes] This paper aims to study the academic influence of special issues on scientific journals. [Methods] On the basis of China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) database, we explored relationship of cited frequency per article and download per article of special issues of Progress in Geography with its impact factors from 2010 to 2019. [Findings] The main evaluation indicators of Progress in Geography were improved significantly from 2010 to 2019, which had a certain relationship with some high-quality special issues. [Conclusions] On the whole, special issues, especially some characteristic issues, enhanced the academic influence of Progress in Geography. Nevertheless, not all the articles in special issues can play a positive role, as evidenced by the small number of non-cited articles. Articles from different issues and even the same issue demonstrated different influence. It is an effective measure for improving the academic influence of journals to publish special issues on the frontiers and hotspots of journal disciplines in accordance with journal orientation and national strategies/initiatives. In addition, the quality of articles in special issues should be guaranteed.
Key words:
Special issue,
Academic influence,
Scientific journal,
Cited frequency per article,
Download per article,
仲舒颖, 刘春凤, 王群英, 何书金. 专辑论文对科技期刊学术影响力的作用分析及启示——以《地理科学进展》为例[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2021, 32(4): 509-514.
ZHONG Shuying, LIU Chunfeng, WANG Qunying, HE Shujin. Academic influence of special issues on scientific journals and its enlightenment: Take Progress in Geography as an example[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2021, 32(4): 509-514.