【目的】 探讨我国眼科学期刊自引率(Rate of Self-citing;RRSC-ing)与自被引率(Rate of Self-cited;RRSC-ed)的关系及演进趋势,分析期刊自引程度,以了解我国眼科学期刊引文行为的演进趋势。【方法】 以2019年版《中国科技期刊引证报告(核心版)》收录的8种眼科学期刊为研究对象,计算2003年、2008年、2013年、2015年和2018年期刊的中文引文率、英文引文率、RRSC-ing与RRSC-ed,并提出中文文献自引率(Chinese Rate of Self-citing;RcRSC-ing),通过比较中文引文率与英文引文率、RRSC-ing和RcRSC-ing与RRSC-ed,以获得我国眼科学期刊RRSC-ing与RRSC-ed的关系及演进趋势。【结果】 英文引文率总体呈上升趋势,中文引文率总体呈下降趋势。8种眼科学期刊RRSC-ing较低且总体保持稳定,而RRSC-ed高于RRSC-ing,部分期刊RRSC-ed的演进趋势与RRSC-ing不同;RcRSC-ing高于RRSC-ed,二者演进趋势大不相同;自引量和RcRSC-ing与RRSC-ed均不相关(r=0.338、r=0.321,P均>0.05),RRSC-ing与RRSC-ed呈弱相关(r=0.393,P<0.05)。【结论】 水平越高、影响力越大的期刊引用的英文文献越多;自引量并不是RRSC-ed的决定性因素;个别期刊存在过度自引。
[Purposes] We explored the correlation and evolution trend of the rate of self-citing (RRSC-ing) and rate of self-cited (RRSC-ed) of journals of ophthalmology in China, aiming at clarifying the citation trend of journals on this discipline. [Methods] We calculated the rate of Chinese references, rate of English references, RRSC-ing, and RRSC-ed of 8 ophthalmology journals in Chinese S&T Journal Citation Reports (2019) in the time-window of 2003, 2008, 2013, 2015, and 2018, proposed the Chinese rate of self-citing (RcRSC-ing), and compared the rate Chinese references with rate of English references and RRSC-ing and RcRSC-ing with RRSC-ed to conclude the correlation and development trend of RRSC-ing and RRSC-ed in ophthalmology journals in China. [Findings] The rate of English references of 8 ophthalmology journals in China showed an overall upward trend, while that of Chinese references demonstrated an opposite trend. RRSC-ing of these journals was low but stable, while RRSC-ed was higher than RRSC-ing. Moreover, the RRSC-ed trend of some journals was different from that of RRSC-ing. RcRSC-ing was higher than RRSC-ed and the trends of them were quite different. Self-citations had no correlation with RcRSC-ing or RRSC-ed (r=0.338, r=0.321; P>0.05), but RRSC-ing was correlated with RRSC-ed (r=0.393, P<0.05). [Conclusions] More English documents are cited in Chinese journals of high level and high impact. Self-citations are not among the determinants of RRSC-ed and excessive self-citation is found in some journals.
Key words:
Rate of self-citing,
Chinese rate of self-citing,
Rate of self-cited,
Evolution trend
郭佳, 刘雪立, 申小曼, 申蓝. 我国眼科学期刊自引率与自被引率的比较及演进趋势[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2021, 32(5): 687-692.
GUO Jia, LIU Xueli, SHEN Xiaoman, SHEN Lan. Comparison and evolution trend of the self-citing rate and self-cited rate of journals of ophthalmology in China[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2021, 32(5): 687-692.