【目的】 依据中国地理资源期刊集群平台期刊特约专栏出版实践,分析实施成效,总结出版经验,为同行组织特约专栏提供借鉴。【方法】 采用中国知网的统计数据,分析中国地理资源期刊集群7种平台期刊在2016—2017年刊发的特约专栏的表现。【结果】 特约专栏整体上能够提高期刊影响力,推广学术传播,但不同类型的特约专栏的表现存在差别。【结论】 内容型专栏是提升期刊影响力的有效措施,双盲评审、相似主题的间隔时间及同一作者的出现频次是特约专栏成效的重要影响因素。特约专栏的组织需要与科技创新一致,落实“四个面向”的战略部署。
[Purposes] This paper explores the academic effect of special columns published by representative platform journals of Chinese Geographical and Resource Journals Cluster, which is expected to serve as a reference for peers. [Methods] The academic influence of special columns of 7 representative platform journals during 2016-2017 was analyzed based on the data from China National Knowledge Infrastructure. [Findings] On the whole, special columns can improve the impact of journals and advance academic communication, but the performance is different among different types. [Conclusions] Content-based special columns are effective for the enhancement of journal impact. However, double-blind review is required to ensure the quality of papers in special columns, and long publication time interval among similar topics and low frequency of the same author are also the determinants of the effect of special columns. Consistent with scientific and technological innovation, special columns should be designed to target global scientific and technological frontiers, serve the main economic battlefield, fulfill major national needs, and benefit people's lives and health.
Key words:
Chinese Geographical and Resource Journals Cluster,
Special column,
Impact factor,
Download rate,
Academic influence
段宗奇, 何书金. 中国地理资源期刊集群平台期刊特约专栏实施成效分析与启示[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2021, 32(7): 889-894.
DUAN Zongqi, HE Shujin. Academic influence of special columns and enlightenment: A case study of representative platform journals of Chinese Geographical and Resource Journals Cluster[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2021, 32(7): 889-894.