【目的】 通过期刊公众账号对学术文献转载的计量分析,探究期刊公众账号在学术文献社会传播中发挥的作用。【方法】 以48种进化生物学SCI收录期刊2010—2017年发表的学术文献为研究对象,抓取文献在Twitter平台的转载数据,采用数据计量分析方法探究期刊公众账号对文献转载的影响。【结果】 (1)具有公众账号的期刊所发表的文献被大量转载,高被转载文献也大多来自于设有公众账号的期刊,且该类期刊发文的被引和被转载之间的相关性更为显著。(2)“OfficialSMBE”“EcoEvoJournals”和“RSocPublishing”等期刊公众账号转载了大量文献,是转载群体共线网络中的高中心性节点;其次,“OfficialSMBE”“EcoEvoJournals”和“BehavEcolPapers”等期刊公众账号为文献的高频首次转载账号,在文献的转载中发挥了引领的作用。【结论】 设有公众账号的期刊发文有较为显著的转载优势,期刊公众账号推动了学术文献的社会传播。
[Purposes] From the quantitative analysis of academic papers retweeted by the journal public accounts (JPA), we analyze the effect of JPA in the processing of social communication for academic papers. [Methods] Taking academic papers (2010—2017) published on 48 evolutionary biology journals indexed in SCI as research objects, we extracted retweeted data of academic papers from Twitter.com and took the statistical analysis to explore the effect of JPA. [Finding] The academic papers in the journals with JPA likely get more retweeted frequencies, at the same time, highly retweeted papers are more from the journals with JPA, and there exists stable correlation between citation frequencies and retweeted frequencies for these papers. Furthermore, the JPA, such as OfficialSMBE, EcoEvoJournals, and RSocPublishing, retweet large number of papers, and they located in the cores of retweeting network. The OfficialSMBE, EcoEvoJournals, and RSocPublishing are also the highest firstly retweeting accounts, which take leader roles in the processing of retweeting. [Conclusions] The papers from journals with JPA have significant retweeting advantages for academic papers in social network, and the JPA can promote the social communication of academic papers.
Key words:
Academic paper,
Social communication,
Social network,
Journal public account,
Social impact
张立伟,陈悦,刘则渊,徐芳. 期刊公众账号对学术文献社会传播的推动作用分析[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2018, 29(9): 925-934.
ZHANG Liwei,CHEN Yue,LIU Zeyuan,XU Fang. Promotion effect of journal public accounts on social communication of academic papers[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2018, 29(9): 925-934.