【目的】 探索科技论文自动校对方法,以提高编校质量,把编辑从事务性和重复性的劳动中解放出来,使其能够将更多精力投入到创新性的工作中去,适应当前科技期刊出版质量管理日益严格的趋势。【方法】 在已有工作的基础上,基于科技论文内在的连续性、一致性和唯一性等全文逻辑原则,在Word文档环境中,利用VBA辅助编程技术,对论文中出现的不连续文献序号、章节序号、图表序号、公式序号,以及著者-出版年制前后不一致的参考文献进行了识别和标识。此外,还对作者姓名及相应地址和邮编的中英文进行了校对。【结果】 VBA辅助编程技术可识别论文中逻辑相关的编校错误并高亮显示。【结论】 在实际工作中,该方法可有效减轻人工校对工作量,减少编校错误,提高出版效率。
[Purposes] This paper aims to explore the methods of automatic proofreading of scientific papers to improve the quality of editing, and liberate editors from the transactional and repetitive labor, so that editors can devote more energy to innovative work and adapt to the increasingly strict trend of the quality management of scientific journals. [Methods] Based on the our existing work, we found the inherent logic principles, such as continuity, consistency, and uniqueness in scientific papers. In the Word document environment, we had found and marked the discontinuous serial numbers about reference, figure, table, formula, and highlights that appear in the text using the VBA assisted programming techniques. The inconsistent expressions of the reference as author-year in the text were identified and displayed. In addition, the author's name, address, and postal code were proofread in both English and Chinese. [Finding] VBA assisted programming techniques can identify logically relevant editing errors in the paper and highlight them. [Conclusions] In practical work, the proposed method can effectively reduce the workload of manual proofreading, reduce the editing errors, and improve the publishing efficiency.
Key words:
VBA program,
Logical proofreading,
Automatic proofreading,
侯修洲,黄延红. 基于逻辑原则的科技论文自动校对方法[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2018, 29(9): 920-924.
HOU Xiuzhou,HUANG Yanhong. An automatic proofreading method for scientific papers based on the logic principles[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2018, 29(9): 920-924.