【目的】研究Web3.0快速发展背景下,科技期刊同行评议改进与发展的新平台、新模式。【方法】以Peerage of Science和Frontier为案例,针对最新的基于社交网络平台的同行评议模式进行了分析,介绍了该同行评议模式的改进、特点、流程、工作方式等。【结果】在社交网络平台下,同行评议从静态变为动态,从“一对一”变成“一对多”,从封闭式评议变成开放式评价。【结论】基于社交网络的同行评议模式是同行评议发展的最新趋势,可为我国的同行评议发展提供参考。
[Purposes] This paper studies the new forms and new platforms for journal peer review process w ith the rapid development of Web3.0.[Methods] Based on the two cases of Peerage of Science and Frontiers,this paper analyzes the latest peer review systems based on social network platform,and mainly introduces the evaluation of the system characteristics,review processes,and work mechanism and so on.[Findings] Based on a social network platform,the journal peer review process becomes dynam ic,and becomesmore open and transparent.[Conclusions] Peer review platforms based on social network are the new trend of the development of the peer review,and we should pay more attention to them.
Key words:
Social network,
Open review,
Peer review,
Scientific journal
马瀚青,周小玲,侯春梅,田欣,黄爱华. 基于社交网络的同行评议新模式——基于Peerage of Science与Frontiers平台的案例研究[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2015, 26(9): 935-940.
MA Hanqing,ZHOU Xiaoling,HOU Chunm ei,TIAN Xin,HUANG Aihua. Peer review platform s based on social network:a case study of Peerage of Science and Frontiers[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2015, 26(9): 935-940.