[Purposes] This study is to investigate the correlation between publishing quality and editorial research of journaleditorial departments.[Methods] By searching the CNKI database,the number of published papers form Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals and Acta Editologica from 2012 to 2014 is obtained.Journal editorial departments are sorted by the number of editorial research papers they participated in.The top 10 departments publishing editorial papers are obtained as one group,and those departments only have one editorial research paper are selected by random sampling,as the other group.The number,the index information,the changes of impact factor,composite total citations,composite immediacy index,Web download rate and total download rate of journals published by those editorial departments are compared between 2 groups.[Findings] Journal editorial departmentswhich havemore editorial papers develop better,possessmore journals,and havemore journals indexed by important databases,compared w ith departments which have less papers.And grow th rates of impact factor and other journal evaluation indexes of departments w ith more papers are prior to those w ith less papers.[Conclusions] It is important for the journal editorial department to participate in editorial research,which can promote the editing level,enhance the construction of the editorial department,facilitate the environment of the journalmarket,and finally elevate the publishing quality.
Key words:
Editorial research,
Scientific journals,
Editorial research paper,
Publishing quality
陈汐敏,丁贵鹏,接雅俐,蒋莉,唐震,邹建刚. 期刊出版单位编辑学研究水平与办刊质量的关系[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2015, 26(9): 981-986.
CHEN Xim in,DING Guipeng,JIE Yali,JIANG Li,TANG Zhen,ZOU Jiangang. Correlation between publishing quality and editorial research of journal editorial departments[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2015, 26(9): 981-986.