[Purposes] The objective is to provide references for domestic authors and peer editing and topic soliciting contributions,draft selection to provide a frame of reference in order to increase core journals’editing and publishing academ ic influence and benefit.[Methods] This study takes zero-cited papers in seven core journals published in 2009 in six years(2009-2014)as examples,starting from the inactiveness of papers,this study refers to the relevant research ideas of highly cited papers,and analyzes these papers’related text information,including authors,subjectmatters,funds and paper characteristics.[Findings] The results show that the appearance of zero cited papers and journals’H index,impact factor,and the paper language,type,distribution and other disciplines have great relevance.[Conclusions] Journals should reduce or avoid the occurrence of zero cited papers,it is important to find larger innovative high quality manuscriptswhile pay attention to the basic theory.
Key words:
Academic ournals,
Zero citation,
Zero cited papers,
Editing and publishing core journals
刘武英,张薇,刘影梅. 学术期刊中的零被引论文特征分析——以编辑出版类核心期刊为例[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2015, 26(9): 987-991.
LIU W uying,ZHANG W ei,LIU Yingmei. Analysis of academ ic journals’paper characteristics of zero citation:based on editing and publishing core journals[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2015, 26(9): 987-991.