[Purposes] The objective is to investigate the final review of papers in different places and improve the academic quality and the influence of scientific journals.[Methods] Between April and June 2015,this paper is on the basis of summarizing the results of final review of papers in different places in Chinese Journal of Practical Gynecology and Obstetrics eight years ago.It reviews previous literature and compares the differences between the final review of papers in different placesw ith the local final review and the advantage of improving the academic quality and the influence of scientific journals in final review of papers in different places.[Findings] Compared w ith the local final review,the subject know ledge of different final experts is more comprehensive which reduces the local limitation of review and reduces the pressure of the local editorial board and aroused the enthusiasm of the different places'editorial boards.It strengthens the relationship of the editorial department and the editorial board member.It expands the academic quality of journals and their influence and improves the cited frequency and impact factor.[Conclusions] Final review of papers in different places aims at promoting the academic quality and the influence of scientific journals.
Key words:
Chinese Journal of Practical Gynecology and Obstetrics,
Final review of papers,
Journal quality,
郑春雨,魏正强. 异地终审会:提高科技期刊学术质量及影响力的新举措[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2015, 26(9): 956-959.
ZHENG Chunyu,. Final review of papers in different places:the new measures im proving the academ ic quality and the influence of scientific journals[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2015, 26(9): 956-959.