[Purposes] Currently there is an imbalance in quality control on periodical publication in China,such asmore emphasis on publication quality,less emphasis on academ ic quality,and negligence on dissem inating quality,etc.In this paper,the authors w ill present the key points on the comprehensive quality control and improvement of academ ic periodicals.[Methods] Taking the periodicals of Coal Science and Technology and Journal of China Coal Society as the examples,the authors propose the key control points of improving the academ ic quality of academ ic periodicals,and the methods for attracting high quality papers.In addition,the papermainly introduces the plan and methods for improving the quality of explicit dissem ination and implicit dissem ination on periodicals.The explicit dissem ination includes the digitalization and network dissem ination of periodicals,a full coverage distribution and dissem ination of periodicals,a picture album dissem ination of periodicals,exhibition promotion,an accurate distribution of document and papers,and publicity in academ ic meetings.The implicit dissem ination includes the establishment and selection of periodical editorial comm ittee,co-organizers,and correspondent team,the publication of corresponding supplements,the sponsor,hosting,co-organizer and participation of academ ic meetings,technical training,and public welfare activities,etc.Also,the paper briefly introduces the quality control plan for hard copy and digital periodicals.[Findings] W ith the comprehensive coordinated control on academic quality,dissem inating quality and publication quality of a periodical,the brand quality of a periodical can be significantly improved and its influences and dissemination capacity are enhanced.[Conclusions] Practice prove that Closed-loop quality controlmethod is feasible,pratical and effective.
Key words:
Academic periodicals,
Academic quality,
Dissem inating quality,
Quality control and improvement,
Digital periodicals
许升阳,赵瑞. 学术期刊闭环质量控制与提升[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2015, 26(9): 941-945.
XU Shengyang,ZHAO Rui. Closed-loop quality control and im provement of academ ic periodicals[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2015, 26(9): 941-945.