摘要: 目的 分析医学院学报的影响力情况,探讨其发展策略。方法 以2008-2014年版《中国科技期刊引证报告(核心版)》为数据源,采用动态评估模型对资料完整的10种医学院学报、14种医科大学学报、16种综合性大学学报医学版、20种非学报类医学综合性期刊进行影响力动态评估和比较。结果 2007-2013年医学院学报学术影响力稳步提升,但在4类期刊中医学院学报各年度的平均影响力评估值均最低。结论 医学院学报总体影响力较低,需要通过参加国内外医学专业会议、扩大作者群体、掌握高级别科研项目的立项情况、建立微信公众平台、形成特色栏目等措施,提高刊物质量和影响力。
[Purpose] The objective of this study is to analyze the academ ic impact of journals of medical college,and to explore the development direction of these journals.[Methodology] Based on 2008-2014 edition of Chinese S&T Journal Citation Reports(core version),the changes of academ ic impact of 10 kinds of journals of medical college,14 kinds of journals of medical university,16 kinds of journals of university(Medical Sciences),and 20 kinds of comprehensivemedical journals were analyzed by using the dynam ic evaluation model.[Findings] From 2007 to 2013,the academ ic impact of journals of medical college were increased in general.Buteach year,the average influence evaluation values of journals ofmedical collegewere the lowestamong all journals.[Conclusions]The academ ic impact of journals ofmedical college is low.Several effectivemeasures should be taken to improve the quality and the academ ic impact of journals ofmedical college.
Key words:
Journals ofmedical college,
Academ ic impact,
Dynam ic evaluation model,
Development strategy
丁敏娇,吴健敏. 医学院学报学术影响力分析及发展策略[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2015, 26(6): 662-666.
DING Minjiao,WU Jianmin. The academ ic im pact of Journals of M edical College and their development strategy[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2015, 26(6): 662-666.