摘要: 目的 客观评价中文地质学期刊的国际化发展现状和态势。方法 对2012~2014年进入“中国最具国际影响力学术期刊(TOP5%)”和“中国国际影响力优秀学术期刊(TOP10%)”的地质学期刊的文献计量学指标加以分析,并与中国科学技术信息研究所统计的影响因子、总被引频次进行了比较。结果 (1)中国中文地质学期刊的国内影响因子与国际影响因子相关性不显著,而国内总被引频次与国际总被引频次相关性显著;(2)中国中文地质学期刊国际影响力正以较快的速度稳步上升;(3)同水平的中国地质学英文期刊的国际影响力并不明显高于中文期刊。结论 在中文地质学期刊已有一定的国际影响力后,还应制定符合中文期刊发展的政策,扩大中文期刊的国际影响力。
[Purpose] The objective of this paper is to survey and reflect the status and effect of the Chinese geological journals'international impact.[Methodology] The key literatures on the topic of″geological journal″in the highest international impact academ ic journals(TOP 5%)and the excellent international impact academic journals(TOP 10%)of China during 2012 ~2014,as the research object,were investigated w ith the impact factor and journal citation,then a correlation analysis between them via CJCR were conducted.[Findings](1)There is no correlation between internal impact factor and international impact factor,but a significant positive correlation between internal citation and international citation exists.(2)The influence of Chinese geological journals is rising steadily at a rapid speed.(3)The differences on international impact between the English geological journals and Chinese geological journals were not clearly.[Conclusions] W ith Chinese geological journals having unified international impact,policies are formulated to accord w ith the development of Chinese geological journals so as to enhance their science impact in the world.
Key words:
Chinese geological journals,
Impact factor,
International impact
张茂玲,章雨旭,张绮玲. 中文地质学期刊的国际影响力探讨[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2015, 26(6): 654-661.
ZHANG Maoling,ZHANG Yuxu,ZHANG Qiling. A discussion on the Chinese geological journals'international im pact[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2015, 26(6): 654-661.