Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals ›› 2022, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (9): 1218-1224. doi: 10.11946/cjstp.202205230413

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Operation status, problems, and strategies of WeChat Channels of scientific journals: Taking journals included in the Excellence Action Plan for China STM Journals as examples

GAO Cunling()(), NIE Youhua   

  1. School of Literature, Journalism and Communication, Qingdao University, 308 Ningxia Road, Shinan District, Qingdao 266071, China
  • Received:2022-05-23 Revised:2022-08-07 Online:2022-10-14 Published:2022-10-14


高存玲()(), 聂友华   

  1. 青岛大学文学与新闻传播学院,山东省青岛市市南区宁夏路308号 266071
  • 作者简介:

    高存玲(ORCID:0000-0003-2981-8941),博士,副教授,E-mail: ;


    作者贡献声明: 高存玲:提出论文选题和研究框架,确定研究思路,撰写和修改论文; 聂友华:开展数据调查,收集研究资料,撰写和修改论文。


[Purposes] This paper analyzes the opening and operation of WeChat Channels of Chinese scientific journals, and puts forward the operation strategies. [Methods] Taking 280 journals included in the Excellence Action Plan for China STM Journals in 2019 as objects, this paper used Qingbo Big Data to extract the communication indexes of relevant WeChat Channels in 2021 and analyzed them on this basis. [Findings] By 2021, among the 280 journals included in the Excellence Action Plan for China STM Journals, 67 journals have opened WeChat Channels, accounting for 23.93%. Among them, 6.07% of the accounts were opened by the journal editorial department, and 17.86% of the accounts were opened by the journal organizers. Another 76.07% of journals did not open WeChat Channels. The opened WeChat Channels had some problems, such as vague user positioning, poor operation level, and insufficient interaction with users, thus resulting in generally insufficient communication capacity. [Conclusions] Scientific journals should clarify the target positioning of WeChat Channels, carry out effective operation, strengthen the connection between the author and reader groups, and enhance their own influence.

Key words: Scientific journal, Short video, WeChat Channel, Academic communication, Integrated publishing


【目的】 分析中国科技期刊微信视频号的开设和运营情况,提出科技期刊微信视频号运营策略。【方法】 以2019年入选“中国科技期刊卓越行动计划”的280种期刊为研究对象,利用清博大数据提取相关微信视频号2021年的传播指数展开分析。【结果】 截至2021年,280种入选“中国科技期刊卓越行动计划”的期刊中,共有67种期刊开设了微信视频号,占23.93%。其中,6.07%的期刊微信视频号由期刊编辑部开设,17.86%的微信视频号由主办单位开设。另有76.07%的期刊未开设微信视频号。已开设的期刊微信视频号存在用户定位模糊、运营水平较差、与用户的交互程度不够等问题,传播能力普遍不足。【结论】 科技期刊要明确微信视频号的目标定位,开展有效运营,强化与作者群体和读者群体的连接,提升自身影响力。

关键词: 科技期刊, 短视频, 微信视频号, 学术传播, 融合出版