中国科技期刊研究 ›› 2023, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (8): 1029-1036. doi: 10.11946/cjstp.202303300228

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  1. 广东省科学院广州地理研究所《热带地理》编辑部,广东省广州市越秀区先烈中路100号 510070
  • 收稿日期:2023-03-30 修回日期:2023-06-06 出版日期:2023-08-15 发布日期:2023-09-06
  • 作者简介:


Operation status and strategy of WeChat video accounts of geoscience core journals

GUO Yihua()()   

  1. Editorial Office of Tropical Geography, Guangzhou Institute of Geography, Guangdong Academy of Sciences, 100 Xianliezhong Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou 510070, China
  • Received:2023-03-30 Revised:2023-06-06 Online:2023-08-15 Published:2023-09-06


【目的】 分析地学中文核心期刊微信视频号运营现状,为更全面客观地探讨中国科技期刊微信视频号运营情况提供案例支撑。【方法】 以《中文核心期刊要目总览(2020年版)》收录的98种地学中文核心科技期刊为对象,主要调研其微信视频号开通情况、基本资料、运营现状等信息。【结果】 地学中文核心期刊微信视频号还处于起步阶段,开通率较低,并且开通时间普遍偏晚。部分账号基本资料不完善,在细节上有待提升。视频号运营上存在较多问题,如:内容定位不明确,大部分视频内容仅是论文的简单转化;制作上略显粗糙,运营效果普遍不理想;用户交互程度较低,缺乏大众传播的运营思维等。这些问题也是中国科技期刊短视频平台运营的通病。【结论】 地学中文核心期刊微信视频号需解决存在的共性问题,并基于学科特点和期刊特色专注做好内容策划。首先,应完善各项信息,提高账号可信度;其次,应对平台进行清晰定位,并制定周期性推送计划;再次,需增强大众传播的运营思维;从次,应基于地学学科角度选取具有吸引力且与受众相关的知识点,以易于理解的方式呈现更丰富的专业要素;最后,可考虑以学科或者出版单位/学会等为依托,搭建地学期刊集群微信视频号,整合资源,实现共赢。

关键词: 核心期刊, 地学, 微信视频号, 新媒体, 平台运营, 内容定位, 发展策略


[Purposes] This paper aims to analyze the operation status of WeChat video accounts of Chinese geoscience core journals, so as to provide case support for a more comprehensive and objective discussion of the operation of WeChat video accounts of Chinese scientific journals. [Methods] A total of 98 core Chinese geoscience scientific journals included in the Outline of Chinese Core Journals (2020) were taken as the research object, and the main information of WeChat video account opening, basic data, operation status, and other aspects of these journals was investigated. [Findings] The WeChat video accounts of the Chinese geoscience core journals are still in their early stages, with a low opening rate and generally late opening time. The basic information of some accounts is incomplete, and the details need to be improved. There are many problems in operation, such as unclear content orientation, simple conversion of papers in most video contents, slightly rough production, generally unsatisfactory operation effect, low user interaction, and lack of operation thinking of mass communication. Overall, these problems are also common in the operation of short video platforms for Chinese scientific journals. [Conclusions] WeChat video accounts of Chinese geoscience core journals need to solve common problems, and they should focus on content planning based on the characteristics of the discipline and the journal. First, it is necessary to improve the information and enhance the credibility of the account. Secondly, the platform should be clearly positioned, and a periodic push plan should be developed. Thirdly, the journals should pay attention to the operation thinking of mass communication. Finally, based on the perspective of geoscience, attractive and relevant knowledge points should be selected, and richer professional elements should be presented in an easy-to-understand way. In addition, it is possible to open a WeChat video account for a geoscience journal cluster based on disciplines or publishing units/societies, so as to integrate resources and achieve a win-win situation.

Key words: Core journal, Geoscience, WeChat video account, New media, Platform operation, Content positioning, Development strategy