【目的】 以《机械工程学报》编辑部JME学院直播实践为具体案例,通过总结直播活动传播实践各节点的经验,为科技期刊开展直播活动提出建议,为我国科技期刊同行的融合出版探索提供有益的参考。【方法】 采用用户调研、数据分析和案例研究的方法,以JME学院开展的直播活动为研究对象,通过对活动定位、措施、效果进行分析总结,探究学术媒体直播活动策略。【结果】 JME学院通过直播活动积累私域流量,使期刊的服务水平得以提升;通过构建新型“期刊-用户”关系,与用户形成了长期稳定的传播关系。【结论】 科技期刊出版单位需要不断革新传播观念,坚守融合出版理念,以直播活动为推手加大全媒体运作力度,逐步形成适合自身发展需求的全媒体传播生态并稳步提升期刊的品牌影响力。
[Purposes] This paper aims to provide suggestions for scientific journals to carry out livestreaming activities and provide beneficial references for the integrated publishing of other journals by summarizing the experience in each stage of livestreaming activities held by the Journal of Mechanical Engineering (JME) college. [Methods] Based on user survey, data analysis, and case research, we analyzed and summarized the positioning, measures, and effects of the livestreaming activities organized by JME college and explored the strategies for academic livestreaming activities. [Findings] JME college accumulates private domain traffic through livestreaming activities, thereby enhancing its service capabilities. By constructing a new "journal-user" relationship, it forms a long-term stable communication relationship with users. [Conclusions] The publishers of scientific journals need to constantly innovate the communication notion, stick to the concept of integrated publishing, and strengthen the full-media operation with the help of livestreaming activities, gradually forming a full-media communication ecosystem that is suitable for their own development and thus steadily improving the brand influence of the journal.
Key words:
Scientific journal,
Academic livestreaming,
Chain thinking,
Communication microcirculation,
Academic communication ecosystem,
Private domain traffic
向映姣, 恽海艳, 张强, 刘丹, 张彤, 王淑芹. 科技期刊学术直播活动运营实践与思考——以JME学院为例[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2022, 33(11): 1470-1476.
XIANG Yingjiao, YUN Haiyan, ZHANG Qiang, LIU Dan, ZHANG Tong, WANG Shuqin. Practice and thinking of academic livestreaming operation of scientific journals:Taking JME college as an example[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2022, 33(11): 1470-1476.