【目的】 对术语使用情况进行调研,找出术语使用不规范的问题,为提升我国科技期刊术语规范化水平、推进科技期刊高质量发展提供依据。【方法】 采用回顾性调查方法,选择18种科技期刊2020年全年刊出的所有文章,调查其中术语使用差错情况。【结果】 术语相关差错主要涉及术语使用规范问题、术语编校规范问题及专有名词术语规范问题,具体差错类型比较多样化,不利于期刊质量及影响力的提升,应引起论文作者及期刊工作者的高度重视。术语相关差错中,术语使用规范问题最为突出;术语使用规范问题的各种类型中,术语形音义相近而误的现象最为突出。【结论】 我国科技期刊术语规范化水平有待提升,需要引起重视。
[Purposes] This paper aims to investigate the use of terms and find out the problems of non-standard use of terms, so as to provide basis for improving the standardization level of terms and promoting the high-quality development of Chinese scientific journals.[Methods] A retrospective investigation was conducted to investigate the errors in the use of terms in articles published in 18 scientific journals in 2020.[Findings] The errors related to terminology mainly involve the standardization of terminology use, the standardization of terminology editing and correction, and the standardization of proper terms. The specific types of errors are diversified, which is not conducive to the improvement of journal quality and influence, and should be paid great attention by authors and journal workers. In terms related errors, the use of terms is the most prominent problem. Among the various types of standardization of the use of terms, the most prominent problem is caused by the similarity of form, sound, and meaning of the terms. [Conclusions] The standardization level of terminology in Chinese scientific journals needs to be improved, which should be paid more attention to.
Key words:
Scientific journal,
Terminology specification,
Terminology editing and proofreading,
Proper noun,
王琪. 中文科技期刊术语规范化现状:调查与分析[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2022, 33(9): 1212-1217.
WANG Qi. Current situation of terminology standardization in Chinese scientific journals: Investigation and analysis[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2022, 33(9): 1212-1217.