【目的】 从单刊的角度出发,探索我国中文科技期刊优化运营模式、提升运营能力、做大做强的方法。【方法】 以我国中文科技期刊及其运营模式为研究对象,对我国中文科技期刊运营模式的现状进行归纳,统计分析我国单刊模式发展的现状、期刊规模以及运营状况。借鉴国外单刊运营的典型案例,对我国中文科技期刊单刊发展理念和路径提出建议。【结果】 我国中文科技期刊的出版单位分为非法人单刊编辑部和出版企业两大类型,其中非法人单刊编辑部数量多、占比高。从经营主体的角度分析,我国中文科技期刊集群化程度较低。非法人单刊编辑部的经营状况欠佳,但其出版期刊的开放获取程度更高。【结论】 需要重视中文科技期刊的作用,引导中文科技期刊运营模式逐步走向多元化,实现中文科技期刊的可持续发展。要坚持走“专家办刊之路”,提升单刊的整体运营能力;坚持走“品牌化办刊之路”,推进单刊深耕细作、做大做强;坚持走“集约化运营之路”,实现单刊跨越式发展。
[Purposes] From the perspective of single journals, this research aims to explore how to optimize the operation mode, improve operational capacity, and make Chinese single scientific journals excellent. [Methods] Chinese scientific journals and journal operation models were used as the research object to summarize the current situation of Chinese scientific journals and to count and analyze the situation, scale, and operation performance of single journal development models. Meanwhile, suggestions were put forward towards the concepts and the executable path of Chinese single scientific journal development by learning from foreign experience. [Findings] The Chinese unit properties of publishers were divided into two types, namely, unincorporated editorial departments and corporate enterprises, among which the unincorporated editorial departments had a large amount. From the perspective of operating entities, Chinese scientific journals had a low degree of clustering. Comparing with other journal operation models, unincorporated editorial departments had a relatively low-income level but a higher degree of open access. [Conclusions] To realize the sustainable and diversified development of Chinese scientific journals, the role of Chinese scientific journals should be focused on, and the operation model of Chinese scientific journals should be gradually diversified. We should insist on experts to run the journals, thereby improving the overall operational capacity of single journals. We should insist on creat brands for journals, thereby promoting the profound development of single journals and making Chinese single scientific journals excellent. We should insist on the intensive operation, thereby realizing the leapfrog development of Chinese single scientific journals.
Key words:
Chinese scientific journal,
Operating entity,
Operation model of single scientific journal,
Diversified development
王治, 霍春雁, 刘培一. 我国中文科技期刊单刊多元化运营模式探析[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2022, 33(9): 1239-1246.
WANG Zhi, HUO Chunyan, LIU Peiyi. Diversified operation model of Chinese single scientific journal[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2022, 33(9): 1239-1246.