【目的】分析入选F5000的医学论文来源期刊,根据论文入选时效指标分析医学期刊的质量,为科技期刊提高办刊质量提供数据支撑,同时也为医学科研人员的选刊和投稿提供参考依据。【方法】下载F5000平台2012—2019年的全部入选论文,获取刊载医学论文的期刊,分析其学科分布特征,并计算单篇论文、单种期刊及各学科期刊的入选时效。【结果】F5000共收录16个学科的9514篇医学专业论文,刊载于163种医学期刊中;单篇论文入选时效为1~5年不等,10.58%的论文出版后1年被收录,19.17%的论文出版2年后被收录,医学期刊论文的篇均入选时效为3.29年。 【结论】F5000入选论文数量与来源期刊的收录数据库数量成正比,医学期刊的刊均入选时效高于F5000入选论文的整体水平,中医中药类期刊和基金资助论文是F5000医学论文的重要来源,科技期刊可设置相应的特色栏目进行约稿,从而提升稿源的质量和期刊影响力。F5000平台也应加强对国内SCI期刊的关注,扩大高水平论文覆盖范围,提升国内优秀科研产出的传播速度。
[Purposes] This study aims to study the characteristics of source journals of medical papers selected in F5000, and analyze the quality of medical journals according to the index of selected timeliness, which provides data support for scientific journals to improve their quality, and also provides references for medical researchers to select journals and submit papers. [Methods] We downloaded all selected papers from 2012 to 2019 on F5000 platform, screened out the journals that publish medical papers, and analyzed their distribution characteristics. The index of selected timeliness for single paper, journal, and subject was calculated. [Findings] F5000 has included 9514 papers which were published in 163 journals from 2012 to 2019 and belonged to 16 disciplines. The selected timeliness of these papers ranges from 1 to 5 years after published, 10.58% of them are selected 1 year after published, 19.17% of them are selected 2 years after published, and the overall selected timeliness of medical papers is 3.29 years. [Conclusions] The number of selected papers in each journal is directly proportional to the number of included databases, and the selected timeliness of medical journals is higher than the overall level of F5000 papers. The papers from traditional Chinese medicine journals or funded by projects are important sources of F5000 medical papers, so scientific journals can set and use special columns to make an arrangement in advance with the manuscripts to improve the quality of manuscript sources and journal influence. The F5000 platform should also pay attention to domestic SCI journals to expand the coverage of high-level papers and improve the dissemination speed of excellent scientific research output in China.
Key words:
Medical journal,
High-level paper,
Selected timeliness,
陈云香, 李向森, 杨华. 高水平医学论文的来源期刊分析及启示——基于F5000入选论文特征和入选时效[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2020, 31(8): 964-971.
CHEN Yunxiang, LI Xiangsen, YANG Hua. Analysis and enlightenments on high-level academic papers from medical journals: Based on the characteristics of F5000 papers and the selected timeliness[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2020, 31(8): 964-971.