【目的】 对入选“中国科技期刊卓越行动计划”(以下简称“卓越行动计划”)的英文医学期刊发展现状进行分析,为我国建设高水平英文科技期刊提供参考。 【方法】 通过信息收集、数据库检索,对我国入选“卓越行动计划”英文医学期刊现状,以及近年来的发展情况进行分析,并提出相应的发展策略。 【结果】 近年来,入选“卓越行动计划”的英文医学期刊整体呈现出良好的发展态势,学术影响力整体提升,领军期刊阵列表现尤为突出。同时,我国英文医学期刊在数量、影响力、载文量、平台及品牌建设等方面仍有很大的发展空间。 【结论】 当前我国英文医学期刊处于重要的发展机遇期和窗口期,我国医学期刊从业人员和科研工作者应共同努力,冲击世界科技期刊先进水平,服务科技强国战略。
[Purposes] This paper aims to analyze the current situation of English medical journals included in the Excellence Action Plan of China STM Journals (referred as Action Plan) and provide a reference for the development of high-level English academic journals in China. [Methods] Through information collection and database retrieval, the basic characteristics of the English medical journals included in the Action Plan and their development in recent years were analyzed, and the development suggestions were given. [Findings] In recent years, the overall academic influence of English medical journals included in the Action Plan has been significantly improved, showing a good development trend. The performance of the leading journals is particularly outstanding. At the same time, China’s English medical journals still have much room for development in terms of the quantity, influence, the volume of articles, platform and brand building, etc. [Conclusions] At present, English medical journals in China are in an important period of strategic opportunity for development, so joint efforts should be made to reach the level of world-class academic journals.
Key words:
English medical journal,
Excellence Action Plan of China STM Journals,
Current situation,
Development suggestion
史强, 安瑞. 我国入选“卓越行动计划”英文医学期刊现状及发展对策[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2021, 32(10): 1318-1325.
SHI Qiang, AN Rui. English medical journals included in the Excellence Action Plan of China STM Journals: Current situation and development suggestions[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2021, 32(10): 1318-1325.