【目的】 调研分析上海市英文科技期刊出版现状,为提高其出版质量提供借鉴。【方法】 调研期刊的基本情况、期刊采编系统、期刊网站建设、期刊国际出版、期刊出版模式等方面。【结果】 上海市30种英文科技期刊中,90.0%的期刊采用期刊采编系统,93.3%的期刊建立期刊网站,83.3%的期刊实施国际合作出版,70.0%的期刊出版模式为订阅模式,60.0%的期刊被SCI检索系统收录。【结论】 上海市英文科技期刊在取得一定成绩的同时,其发展依然任重道远,亟需增加英文科技期刊数量和提高办刊质量,期刊发展要更加专业化,新媒体时代下期刊网站建设需进一步完善,期刊的国际影响力需进一步提升。
[Purposes] This paper aims to analyze the latest publishing status of Shanghai English scientific journals,and provide suggestions on how to improve them. [Methods] Through the search engine, the data of basic information, online manuscript submission system, website construction, international publication, and publishing model were collected and analyzed. [Finding] It is found that among 30 Shanghai English scientific journals, 90.0% of these journals use online manuscript submission system; 93.3% of these journals have built their own websites; 83.3% of these journals have performed international cooperated publication; 70.0% of these journals have implemented subscription publication model; 60.0% of these journals have been indexed in SCI. [Conclusions] Shanghai English scientific journals have obtained some achievements, however, efforts still need to be made in the following aspects, such as the improvement of quality and quantity of the English scientific journals, specialized development of the journal, the improvement of the journal website construction under the new media era, and the further improvement of the international influence.
Key words:
English scientific journal,
Analysis of current publishing,
International influence
姜春明. 上海市英文科技期刊出版现状分析与思考[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2018, 29(9): 940-945.
JIANG Chunming. Analysis and thinking on current status of Shanghai English scientific journals[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2018, 29(9): 940-945.