【目的】 新媒体环境下,科技期刊运用各类媒体手段提高自身传播力,迫切需要构建移动传播平台及其评价方式。【方法】 以《中国媒体移动传播指数报告》指标体系为蓝本,筛选符合科技期刊特点的移动传播评价模型指标。采用德尔菲法,通过问卷调查确定科技期刊移动传播评价模型的指标和权重。选择30名专家,分为两组:一组为期刊编辑组,另一组为期刊宣传、发行或微信平台运营组。【结果】 通过SPSS软件统计发现,两组专家对多数指标的评价差异不具有统计学意义(P>0.05),博文数量、App评论数量(安卓)、App评分(安卓)、App Store搜索数量(苹果)、App评论数量(苹果)和App评分(苹果)6项咨询结果的差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。通过比较两组专家对评价模型中6个一级指标及其下属的28个二级指标的意见,确定指标权重,筛选出科技期刊移动传播评价指标。【结论】 筛选期刊移动传播评价指标对于提升科技期刊传播力、扩大科技期刊影响力、创新科技期刊事业发展,以及深化科技期刊机制改革具有重要意义。
[Purposes] Against the backdrop of new media, various media advantages are taken to increase the transmissibility of scientific journals. It is necessary to build a mobile communication platform and its evaluation model. [Methods] According to China Media Mobile Communication Index Report, evaluation model of mobile communication tailored for scientific journals was screened. Indicators and their weights of mobile communication evaluation model were put forward by questionnaires based on Delphi Method. The 30 experts were divided into 2 groups: group of editing and group of promotion, circulation, and WeChat platform operation. [Finding] With the help of SPSS statistics software, there exist significant differences (P<0.05) in blogs, App comments (Android), App ratings (Android), App reviews (Android), App score (Android), App Store search volumes (Apple), App reviews (Apple), and App ratings (Apple) between 2 groups of experts. There is no significant difference (P>0.05) in other indexes between two groups of experts. Through comparing 6 first-class indexes and 28 second-class indexes between 2 groups of experts, we screen out the indicators and their weights of mobile communication evaluation model. [Conclusions] It is useful to put forward indicators of mobile communication evaluation for scientific journals for improving the transmissibility and impact, bringing forth new ideas on development, and deepening institutional reform of scientific journals.
Key words:
Scientific journal,
Mobile transmission index,
Model indicator,
Delphi method
余菁,张新楠,王维佳,刘清海,徐杰. 科技期刊移动传播评价模型指标构建[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2018, 29(9): 906-912.
YU Jing,ZHANG Xinnan,WANG Weijia,LIU Qinghai,XU Jie. Evaluation model indicator establishment of mobile communication for scientific journals[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2018, 29(9): 906-912.