[Purposes] The objective is to explore the feasibility and measures for scientific journals to publish research results that published research papers do not cover.[Methods] The method is to solve the problem of publishing research results,which published research papers do not cover,through survey and analysis and by adopting digitalized publication techniques.[Findings] The problem of publishing research results that published research papers do not coverw ill be successfully solved under themodel of digital publication.The regimes to do so are as follows:(1)publishing original data as well as audio and video information in websites of scientific journals,(2)integrating the publishing of research results that published research papers do not cover in WeChat as one of its functions,(3)innovatively developing digitalized forms for research papers so that they cover more kinds of information,(4)probing into visualized models of research papers and visualized publications of sci-tech journals to enhance processing capacities of various ranges of information obtained in scientific experiments.[Conclusions] It is feasible to publish research results that published research papers do not cover w ith the help of continuous advances and w ide adoptions of digitalizing publication techniques.
Key words:
Information about scientific research,
Sci-tech papers,
Digitalized forms,
Online processing and publication,
Scientific journal
郭柏寿. 科学实验中科技论文未涵盖信息的在线发布[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2015, 26(9): 920-924.
GUO Baishou. Online processing and publication of information of research projects incapable of presenting in sci-tech papers[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2015, 26(9): 920-924.