摘要: 目的 揭示我国数字期刊研究的演进历程、研究水平和未来走向。方法 检索中国知网(CNKI)关于数字期刊的相关文献,运用文献计量学的方法进行统计与分析。结果 年度发文量、作者、文献下载次数和被引频次、作者单位来源、文献来源期刊以及关键词出现频次等几个方面的数据,反映出当前我国数字期刊的研究日益深化,体现出理论与实践相结合的特点。结论 构建合理的研究队伍,平衡出版流程研究的着力点,加强研究视角的广阔性和前瞻性才能更好地促进数字期刊的发展。
[Purpose] The objective of this paper is to reveal the history and evolution of the digital periodical research status in China.[Methodology] This paper applies bibliometric statistical methods to statistics and analysis by retrieving Chinese digital periodical literatures from CNKI.[Findings] The data of quantity of theses,authors and their institutions,the number of downloading and citing the original journals and the frequency of keywords can reflect the deepening of China's digital journals and the characteristics of a combination of theory and practice.[Conclusions] This paper indicates that it is important to construct a reasonable research team,counterpoise the focus of the publishing process research,strengthen the research in the w idth and the prospect so that the digital periodical can be promoted to develop better.
Key words:
Digital periodical,
Research progress,
唐凯芹,张志强. 基于CNKI的我国数字期刊研究状况分析[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2015, 26(6): 626-633.
TANG Kaiqin,ZHANG Zhiqiang. The analysis on digital periodical research progress in China based on CNKI[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2015, 26(6): 626-633.