摘要: 目的 通过被引次数、被引广度分析中医药学期刊的被引情况、影响面和认可度。方法 以北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》2011年版所收录之19种中医药学期刊2004-2012年的发文和引文数据作为统计对象,采用文献计量学的方法,对中医药学期刊的总被引次数、他刊引用次数、学科被引次数、被引次数综合值、被引广度进行分析比较。结果 我国中医药学期刊的学术影响力在不断提高,总体状况良好,各个期刊在不同指标显示出自己的特点。结论 被引次数同被引广度存在一定的正相关性;我国中医药学期刊表现出清晰的学术层级性,影响力很不均衡。
[Purpose] This paper analyzes the citation times and extent of Chinese medicine journals.[Methodology] We use bibliometricsmethods and take 19 core journals of Chinese medicine which were indexed in A Guide to the Core Journal of China2011 ed.published by Peking University as samples,and compare the two indicators used in journal evaluation,namely,citation times and citation extent.[Findings] Academ ic influence of the Chinese medicine journals has been improved.The overall is good,but individual journals still have room for improvementon individual indicators.[Conclusions] All analytical conclusions are based on the references among the 19 kinds of Chinesemedicine journals between 2004 and 2012.On one hand,there is a positive correlation between the citation times and the citation extent.On the other hand,the Chinesemedicine journals are quite different in terms of academic level and influence.
Key words:
Journal evaluation,
Citation times,
Citation extent,
Chinesemedicine science citation index
钱爱兵. 中医药学期刊被引次数和被引广度分析——基于 CMSCI2004-2012年数据[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2015, 26(6): 618-625.
QIAN Aibing. Citation times and extent of Chinesemedicine journals:analysis based on CMSCI2004-2012[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2015, 26(6): 618-625.