Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals ›› 2017, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (10): 965-970. doi: 10.11946/cjstp.201704130260

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Development trend and research hotspot in highly cited papers of ophthalmology based on ESI

FANG Hongling1,2,CHANG Haimin3,LIU Xueli1,2   

  1. 1 Editorial Department of Recent Advances in Ophthalmology, Xinxiang Medical University, 601 Jinsui Road, Hongqi District, Xinxiang 453003, China
    2 Henan Research Center for Science Journals, Xinxiang Medical University, 601 Jinsui Road, Hongqi District, Xinxiang 453003, China
    3 Xinxiang Medical University, 601 Jinsui Road, Hongqi District, Xinxiang 453003,China
  • Received:2017-04-13 Revised:2017-07-12 Online:2017-10-15 Published:2017-10-15



  1. 1 新乡医学院期刊社《眼科新进展》编辑部, 河南省新乡市红旗区金穗大道601号 453003
    2 新乡医学院河南省科技期刊研究中心, 河南省新乡市红旗区金穗大道601号 453003
    3 新乡医学院,河南省新乡市红旗区金穗大道601号 453003
  • 作者简介:方红玲(ORCID:0000-0001-7199-3650),硕士,副编审,编辑部主任,E-mail:|常海敏,硕士,副教授|刘雪立,编审,硕士生导师。
  • 基金资助:


[Purposes] This study aims to analyze the highly cited papers of ophthalmology based on Essential Science Indicators (ESI). [Methods] Based on ESI database, the journal distributions, nation distributions, cooperation situations, fund distributions and hotspot subjects on the highly cited papers of ophthalmology were analyzed. [Findings] The 184 highly cited papers of ophthalmology distribute in 18 journals indexed in SCI, which mainly published in Ophthalmology. The 184 highly cited papers of ophthalmology have multiple authors, institutions,countries and funds, and the United States, Germany and Australia are the top three countries on the highly cited papers of ophthalmology. Four highly cited papers come from China. The institutions of 184 highly cited papers of ophthalmology mainly concentrate in the United States, Germany and Britain. Current global hotspots in ophthalmology research are mainly retinal disease, i.e., diabetic retinopathy, retinal neovascularization and macular degeneration. [Conclusions] It is helpful to understand the international ophthalmology development situations and research hotspots by analyzing the highly cited papers of ophthalmology based on ESI. And it also provides selection directions of scientific research topics for the domestic ophthalmology scholars in the future.

Key words: ESI, Highly cited paper, Ophthalmology, Scientific journal


【目的】 分析基本科学指标(ESI)数据库中眼科学高被引论文的特征。【方法】 整理并分析ESI数据库中眼科学领域高被引论文的期刊分布、国家分布、合作情况、基金资助、机构分布、热点主题词等信息。【结果】 184篇眼科学高被引论文分布在18种SCI眼科学期刊上,其中Ophthalmology发表论文数最高(99篇);大多数眼科学高被引论文具有多位作者、多个机构及国家合作和多项基金资助的特征;眼科学高被引论文的第一作者国别排名前3国家分别为美国、德国和澳大利亚,我国作者发表高被引论文4篇;高被引论文的发文机构主要集中在美国、德国、英国的眼科机构。目前全球眼科学领域研究的热点主要是视网膜疾病,包括糖尿病视网膜病变、视网膜新生血管、黄斑变性。【结论】ESI数据库中眼科学高被引论文的特征分析有利于国内期刊编辑了解当前全球眼科学发展态势和研究热点,也为国内眼科学者的科研选题指明方向。

关键词: ESI, 高被引论文, 眼科学, 科技期刊