中国科技期刊研究 ›› 2024, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (6): 861-870. doi: 10.11946/cjstp.202312201023

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张书卿1)()(), 刘宗义2)   

  1. 1) 中国新闻出版研究院,北京市丰台区三路居路97号 100073
    2) 山东政法学院传媒学院,山东省济南市历下区解放东路63号 250014
  • 收稿日期:2023-12-20 修回日期:2024-05-06 出版日期:2024-06-15 发布日期:2024-07-04
  • 作者简介:



    作者贡献声明: 张书卿:确定选题,收集、整理数据,撰写、修改论文; 刘宗义:核实数据,参与论文撰写,修改论文。

Current status and suggestions for development of English academic journals in humanities and social sciences in China

ZHANG Shuqing1)()(), LIU Zongyi2)   

  1. 1) Chinese Academy of Press and Publication, 97 Sanluju Road, Fengtai District, Beijing 100073, China
    2) School of Media, Shandong University of Political Science and Law, 63 East Jiefang Road, Lixia District, Jinan 250014, China
  • Received:2023-12-20 Revised:2024-05-06 Online:2024-06-15 Published:2024-07-04


【目的】 通过对我国英文人文社科期刊基本情况和国际影响力的分析,探索我国英文人文社科期刊的发展策略。【方法】 采用定量分析与定性分析相结合的方法进行研究。一方面通过定量研究进行数据统计分析与对比,探讨我国英文人文社科期刊的发展和国际影响力状况;另一方面通过定性分析的方法对我国英文人文社科期刊的发展路径进行思辨讨论。【结果】 相对于科技类英文期刊,我国英文人文社科学术期刊数量仍然偏少,但总体数量近年来增加比较快;拥有CN号期刊比例不高;主办单位较为多元,但总体上以高校为主;多数英文期刊的创办时间较短,以季刊和半年刊为主;英文期刊的学科分布不均,经济学、语言学、管理学和政治学期刊较多。近年来被SSCI、A&HCI、ESCI收录的期刊数量逐渐增长;在学科分布上,以管理学、经济学、法学期刊为主;位于Q1区的期刊和影响因子较高的期刊不多;大多数期刊借助国外出版集团出版;金色开放获取期刊比例相对较小。【结论】 政府相关部门应加大扶持力度,推动多学科均衡发展;积极推进集群化办刊;加强期刊之间的整合,打造本土的期刊传播平台;提高期刊内容质量,通过多渠道、多媒体形式进行内容推广;积极推动我国英文人文社科期刊制定开放获取政策。

关键词: 中国, 英文人文社科期刊, 发展, 国际影响力, 建议


[Purposes] This study aims to explore the development strategies for English academic journals in humanities and social sciences in China by analyzing their basic situation and international influence. [Methods] We employed a combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis. Quantitative analysis method was used to investigate the development status and international influence of English academic journals in humanities and social sciences in China. Qualitative analysis method was used to discuss the development path of these journals. [Findings] Compared to scientific English journals, the number of English academic journals in humanities and social sciences in China is still relatively low, but the overall quantity has been increasing rapidly in recent years. The proportion of journals with CN numbers is not high. The sponsoring organizations are relatively diverse, but universities are the main sponsors overall. Most English journals have been established relatively recently, mainly as quarterly or semi-annual publications. The disciplines involved in these journals are uneven, with more journals in economics, linguistics, management, and political science. The number of journals indexed in SSCI, A&HCI, and ESCI has been gradually increasing in recent years, mainly in the fields of management, economics, law, etc. There are not many journals in the Q1 area or with high impact factors. Most journals are published by foreign publishing groups. The proportion of gold open access journals is relatively small. [Conclusions] Government departments should increase their support to foster balanced development across multiple disciplines. They should actively promote clustered publishing models and strengthen integration among journals to create a local platform for journal dissemination. Efforts should also be made to improve the quality of journal content and advance it through various channels and multimedia formats. It is crucial to actively promote the formulation of policies for open access of journals.

Key words: China, English academic journal in humanities and social sciences, Development, International influence, Suggestion