【目的】 科技强国建设离不开世界一流科技期刊的支撑,通过分析和总结《分子植物》建设世界一流科技期刊的经验,探讨我国英文科技期刊提升国际影响力的可能途径和举措。【方法】 以《分子植物》为研究对象,分析从创刊到发展为植物科学领域顶尖期刊过程中所遇到的问题和采取的相应举措,提出可供国内其他英文科技期刊参考借鉴的发展模式。【结果】 《分子植物》在专职科学编辑团队建设、稿件质量把控和内容建设、国际合作出版、创办品牌学术活动打造围绕期刊的科研社群等方面制定独特策略,实施一系列行之有效的举措,迅速提升国际影响力,成为世界一流科技期刊和领域内的顶尖期刊。【结论】 《分子植物》的国际化发展策略和举措以及办刊实践是建设世界一流期刊的有益尝试,对国内其他英文科技期刊探索适合自身发展的卓越之路具有重要的借鉴意义。
[Purposes] The construction of a great power in science and technology cannot be achieved without the support of world-class scientific journals. By analyzing and summarizing the experience of launching the world-class scientific journal, Molecular Plant, this paper aims to explore possible ways and measures for English scientific journals to enhance their international influence. [Methods] Taking Molecular Plant as an example, this paper analyzed the challenges encountered during its journey from inception to becoming a top journal in the field of plant science, as well as the corresponding measures employed by Molecular Plant to conquer these challenges, so as to propose a development model that can be used as a reference for other English language scientific journals in China. [Findings] Molecular Plant implements unique strategies and effective measures including building a dedicated scientific editorial team, ensuring manuscript quality control, fostering international collaboration in publishing, organizing branded academic activities, and cultivating a research ecosystem around the journal. These initiatives have rapidly enhanced the international influence of Molecular Plant and enable it to become a world-class scientific journal and top journal in the field. [Conclusions] The internationalization strategy, measures, and publication practice adopted by Molecular Plant represent significant endeavors towards building world-class scientific journals in China. These efforts have important reference significance for other English scientific journals in China seeking to explore effective development pathways tailored to their own growth.
Key words:
Scientific journal,
International influence,
Great power in science and technology,
Molecular Plant
叶娟英, 杨箫, 崔晓峰. 建设世界一流科技期刊,服务科技强国战略——以《分子植物》为例[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2024, 35(4): 494-500.
YE Juanying, YANG Xiao, CUI Xiaofeng. Developing world-class scientific journals to serve the strategy of building a strong country in science and technology: Taking Molecular Plant as an example[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2024, 35(4): 494-500.