【目的】 探索具有普适性的中文科技期刊独立页码模式编码方案,以期为我国中文科技期刊的数字化发展提供新思路。【方法】 采用文献调研法、案例分析法和对比分析法对独立页码模式的概念界定、编码方案、实践案例、优势对比等进行深入研究。【结果】 独立页码模式主要有混合编码和纯数字编码2种方案,期刊可将年份、字母、篇次、期号、流水号、栏目代码等作为编码要素,根据实际需求进行单篇论文的独立编码。该模式可摆脱多篇论文连续编码的限制,实现单篇论文即时编码和无障碍快捷引用;可有效减少编辑校对的工作量,减轻编辑人员的工作负担;进一步地,可缩短出版周期,维护论文首发权,提升期刊地位。【结论】 数字出版背景下,独立页码模式可避免因论文连续编码而产生的相关问题,可更好地适应中文科技期刊的发展需求和开放科学的发展趋势。
[Purposes] This paper explores a universal coding scheme for independent page number of Chinese scientific journals, which is expected to serve as reference for digital development of the journals. [Methods] Literature research, case analysis, and comparative analysis were used to dissect the concept connotation, coding scheme, practical cases, and advantages of the independent page number mode. [Findings] Two schemes for the independent page number mode are available: mixed coding and pure coding. Journals can include year, letter, article number, issue number, serial number, column code, and others for the independent coding of a single paper as needed. Free from the limitations of continuous coding of multiple papers, this mode allows for real-time coding and fast citation of a single paper, reduces the workload of editing and proofreading, further shortens the publishing cycle, enables early publication of research outcomes, and improves the status of journals. [Conclusions] In the context of digital publishing, independent page number mode can avoid the problems caused by continuous page numbers, thus promoting the development of Chinese scientific journals and boosting open science.
Key words:
Page number mode,
Digital publishing,
Coding scheme,
Open science
叶喜艳, 刘蔚, 侯春梅, 常宗强, 张静辉, 庞瑜. 基于数字出版的中文科技期刊独立页码模式分析[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2022, 33(10): 1392-1397.
YE Xiyan, LIU Wei, HOU Chunmei, CHANG Zongqiang, ZHANG Jinghui, PANG Yu. Analysis of independent page number mode of Chinese scientific journals based on digital publishing[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2022, 33(10): 1392-1397.